Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Using a stand mixer with the paddle mimics the old-fashioned way of making brandade by beating it in a mortar and pestle, resulting in a spread with more texture than what a food processor delivers.
  • A long 24-hour soak in several changes of water guarantees that the salt cod won't be too salty.

You walk into a fish store. Your eyes scan the fillets, steaks, and whole fish on ice. You spot clams, shrimp in different sizes, scallops, cleaned tubes of squid, and mesh bags of inky black mussels. Your gaze drifts down and focuses on a wooden box filled with desiccated strips of yellowish cod, all crusted in salt. You realize that it's the source of that strong fishy odor snaking its way up your nose. A half-thought flashes through your mind—something vague about Portuguese stews made with salt cod, and a recollection that it's actually something you like. A few neurons fire, feebly suggesting to the decision-making part of your brain that you should consider buying it. Then you look up at the fishmonger.

"I'll have two of those salmon steaks, please."

Let's rewind the tape. Those neurons fire once again, broadcasting their tepid proposal. Instead of overriding them, other parts of your brain hear the call, and echo it. The demand grows. Suddenly you're reaching down, grabbing some tongs, and picking up a thick piece. It smells like fish that's been sitting in the sun for far too long, and it's not entirely pleasant, but your arm follows through anyway and drops the fish in a plastic bag. With a self-satisfied smile, you hand it to the fishmonger for weighing. That's right, you think. I'm gettin' me some salt cod.

Well, congratulations, especially if this is your first time. You could have taken the easy way out, but you didn't. You bought the stinkiest fish in the store, and now you're going to cook it. You will not regret this. I promise.

So, what to make? One of those fish stews wouldn't be a bad choice at all, but I want to suggest something else for this go-round. I want to suggest whipping it into a lusty spread, thick with good olive oil and garlic, that you'll slather on toasts, like the Iberian version of a bagel loaded with whitefish salad.

If you've never heard of it before, it's called brandade de morue in France, where it's particularly popular in Provence. Or, if you're in a part of Italy like Liguria or around Venice, they'll tell you it's baccalà mantecato. From the mouths of most Spanish speakers, you'll hear brandada de bacalao...unless you're in Castilla, in which case you may notice people adding nuts to it and calling it atascaburras.

There are small variations from one place to the next, but they're all essentially the same dish. In fact, in my own review of recipes from around the world, I've seen more variation within each country than I have between them. In France, for instance, some people mix mashed potatoes into their brandade. And some don't. Compare that to Italy, where some people add mashed potatoes...and some don't. Likewise with milk or cream: Some French folks include it, others don't. Ditto for Italy.

No matter what you decide to call it—brandade, brandada, baccalà mantecato, or just salt-cod spread—here's how to make it.

Prep the Salt Cod

Salt cod is, as you might imagine, incredibly salty. The first step is to soak it long enough to leach out salt and return the fish to edibility. This is perhaps the one great inconvenience of salt cod, because it really does need a long soak and therefore requires a little pre-planning. I've done it in as little as eight hours with several changes of water, but it's a roll of the dice as to whether it will still be too salty or not after that. A much more reliable plan is to soak it for a full 24 hours, changing the water multiple times. Some people soak it in milk, but I tested it out and didn't find any major difference between that and water; water, meanwhile, is free, and milk is not.

Once your salt cod is done soaking, it's time to cook it. Fill a saucepan with enough water to cover the salt cod, add some aromatics like thyme, garlic, and a bay leaf, and simmer it for about 10 minutes. Then remove it from the heat and let it stand.

After it's cooled, drain the salt cod, reserve the cooked garlic (more on that below), then flake the cod into small pieces. Remove any bones you come across, and pluck away and discard the silvery membranes.

Consider the Potato

Brandade is often whipped with mashed potato, and it's entirely up to you whether to use it in your version or not. I like it both ways, but here's what to consider when deciding whether to add potato:

  • The potato cuts the intensity of the salt cod flavor, which may be desirable for anyone who's still learning to love the stuff.
  • It acts as filler, increasing the amount of brandade you'll end up making.
  • It changes the texture of the brandade: Potato-free brandade is more toothsome, since it's almost pure fish, while the potato-loaded version is softer.

Some recipes call for a 1:1 ratio of salt cod to potato by weight, but I'd recommend only adding half as much potato, unless you want the mildest possible fish flavor.

If you do use potatoes, you can either bake or boil them, then mash them with a ricer, food mill, or potato masher. If you boil them, though, you should break normal potato-boiling rules by not salting the cooking water. It can be hard to know just how salty the cod will be even after it's been soaked, so it's better not to risk overly salty brandade by adding well-seasoned potato. You can always add salt later if it needs it.

Whip It Like You Mean It

Back in the old days, before electric kitchen appliances, brandade was made by beating the salt cod with a mortar and pestle while slowly adding the olive oil and other ingredients. That's pretty exhausting work, so, understandably, modern recipes call for tools like food processors to make brandade much easier to whip together. A food processor, though, creates a very different texture from the original by-hand method, since the blades chop the fish into teensy-tiny bits.

A better appliance for the job: a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. As the paddle spins, it beats the salt cod almost just like a mortar and pestle would, except much, much faster. The fish breaks down into a spread while retaining texture, since the individual fibers remain more intact.

The real thing to remember is that brandade is not just a salt cod salad. It's not salt cod dressed in olive oil. It's a whipped emulsion, more like baba ganoush or hummus, or even pesto. That's why you can add over a cup of olive oil to the mixture without the risk of it turning greasy.

Start by putting the flaked salt cod in the mixer bowl, along with garlic, which can be either the cooked garlic from the fish-poaching step or raw minced garlic if you want a punchier flavor. With the paddle spinning, drizzle in the olive oil. It's impressive how much the fish can absorb without becoming too oily.

Next, beat in the dairy. As I mentioned, not all brandade recipes call for it, but I find that it helps to create a creamier, more emulsified texture than olive oil alone. You can use whole milk or heavy cream, though I like half-and-half, since it strikes a balance of being rich without being heavy.

If you're using potato, add it toward the end so it doesn't get whipped as much. Over-working the potatoes can release starch and make them gummy.

The final step is to adjust the seasoning and add optional flavorings, like minced parsley and lemon zest.

Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (1)

Finish and Serve

The whipped brandade is ready to be served straight from the mixer bowl, but I like it best when it's hot and browned on top.

Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (2)

To heat it up, spread the brandade into an oven-safe baking or gratin dish, then put it in a hot oven until heated through. A few minutes under the broiler will get the top browned and crisp.

Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (3)

Then serve it while it's still warm with some crackers or baguette toasts. Or, do as the Italians do and serve it on top of grilled or seared polenta.

I'd be willing to bet that anyone you serve this to will seriously consider buying their own salt cod the next time they're at the fish counter.

Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (4)

October 2015

Recipe Details

Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue)

Active45 mins

Total25 hrs 15 mins


  • 1 pound salt cod

  • 1/2 pound whole russet potatoes (about 2 medium potatoes; see note)

  • 5 medium whole cloves garlic, plus 2 optional minced medium cloves garlic, divided (see note)

  • 3 sprigs fresh thyme

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1 1/4 cups extra-virgin olive oil (or 3/4 cup if no potato)

  • 1/2 cup half-and-half (or 1/4 cup if no potato)

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves and tender stems (optional)

  • Zest of 1/2 lemon (optional)

  • Crackers or baguette toasts, for serving


  1. Rinse salt cod under cold running water until any salt on its surface is washed away. Transfer to a large container (cut the salt cod into smaller pieces if it doesn't fit whole) and cover with fresh water. Refrigerate for 24 hours, changing the water several times during that period.

  2. Bake potatoes in a 350°F (175°C) oven until easily pierced with a fork, about 1 hour. Alternatively, put potatoes in a medium saucepan and cover with cold unsalted water; set over medium-high heat, bring to a simmer, and cook until easily pierced with a fork, about 45 minutes. Split potatoes lengthwise, scoop flesh from potato skins, and mash using a food mill, ricer, or potato masher. Set aside.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (5)

  3. Meanwhile, drain salt cod and place in a medium saucepan. Cover with cold unsalted water and add 5 whole cloves garlic, thyme, and bay leaf. Set over medium-high heat and bring to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and let stand in cooking liquid for 20 minutes.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (6)

  4. Drain salt cod, reserving garlic; discard thyme and bay leaf. Flake salt cod, discarding any bones and silvery membranes.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (7)

  5. Transfer salt cod and reserved cooked garlic to a stand mixer fitted with the paddle; add remaining 2 minced garlic cloves for a more intense garlic flavor. With the mixer running at medium-high speed, drizzle in the olive oil until fully incorporated. Then drizzle in half-and-half until fully incorporated.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (8)

  6. Add mashed potatoes and whip just long enough to fully incorporate. Season with salt and pepper, and mix in optional flavorings, like minced parsley or lemon zest, if using.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (9)

  7. Serve the brandade at room temperature with crackers or baguette toasts, or serve it warm and browned on top by transferring to an oven-safe baking dish or gratin dish and baking at 350°F (175°C) for 10 minutes; then broil until browned on top, about 3 minutes.

    Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (10)

Special Equipment

Stand mixer; food mill, ricer, or potato masher


Potato is a common, but optional, ingredient in this spread. Using it creates brandade with a milder flavor and softer, creamier texture; it also yields a greater quantity of brandade by acting as a filler. If you decide to omit it in favor of a brandade with a more assertive salt-cod flavor and toothsome bite, cut the olive oil down to 3/4 cup and the half-and-half to 1/4 cup.

The cooked garlic adds a mellow flavor to the brandade, but you can punch it up by adding 2 minced raw cloves during the whipping step.

Read More

  • Salmon Rillettes With Chives and Shallots Recipe
  • Baccalà alla Napoletana (Neapolitan-Style Braised Salt Cod with Tomatoes, Olives, and Capers) Recipe
  • Salt Fish Fritters (Stamp and Go) Recipe
  • Hors D'Oeuvres
  • Christmas Appetizers
  • French
  • Cod
Whipped Salt Cod Spread (Brandade de Morue) Recipe (2024)


How do you make brandade in the guardian? ›

The recipe

Soak 200g of salt cod in cold water for 24 hours, changing the water once or twice. Drain it, then place in a pan with 6 black peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves, a whole peeled onion and 500ml of milk. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Lift out the cod and allow to cool.

What do you serve with brandade? ›

Serve the brandade at room temperature with crackers or baguette toasts, or serve it warm and browned on top by transferring to an oven-safe baking dish or gratin dish and baking at 350°F (175°C) for 10 minutes; then broil until browned on top, about 3 minutes.

What is brandade made of? ›

Brandade is a Mediterranean dip consisting of pureed potatoes, salt cod, garlic and olive oil, and it's truly magical.

Can you freeze brandade? ›

Add the garlic, butter, pepper, and ½ cup of the cream; purée until the mixture is smooth, thick, and completely combined. At this point, you can store the brandade base in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 1 month.

What's brandade in English? ›

Brandade is an emulsion crafted from salt cod, olive oil, and usually potatoes. It is eaten in the winter with bread or potatoes.

What is the meaning of brandade cod? ›

noun. bran·​dade. bräⁿdȧd. plural -s. : a seasoned puree of fish and especially of salt cod.

How do you eat dry salted cod? ›

Two of the most popular uses for salt cod in Portugal and Brazil are to make it into fritters called pasteis de bacalhau, or to braise it with potato and eggs in bacalhau à brás.

What is salted cod used for? ›

The cod often is broken into flakes, then used to make cod fritters or added to chowder. Larger chunks of cooked salt cod also make a fine curry, as well as a filling for empanadas and pot pies. Salt cod is widely available in the seafood section of most grocers. It often is sold in small wooden boxes.

How do you reconstitute salt cod? ›

Use a fish poacher to soak the cod and remove the salt. Once the cod has been soaked, there is no great mystery to preparing it. Prepare it like any other fish, but keep in mind that it is stronger flavored than fresh cod. Because it can be aggressive, salt cod is usually poached before it is added to chowder or stew.

Where does brandade de morue come from? ›

The traditional Brandade de Morue originated in the town of Nîmes, a popular destination in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France.

What is the history of brandade? ›

Brandade originated in the Languedoc region of France, where salt cod was a staple ingredient due to its long shelf life. The dish was created as a way to preserve the fish and make it more palatable. Over time, brandade has become a beloved delicacy in French cuisine and is enjoyed in various forms across the country.

What are the types of salt cod? ›

Quality grades. In Norway, there used to be five different grades of salt cod. The best grade was called superior extra. Then came (in descending order) superior, imperial, universal and popular.

How long can salt cod keep in the fridge? ›

Salt cod will keep almost indefinitely refrigerated or at room temperature. You may want to wrap it in several plastic food bags to control the smell.

How long does salt cod keep in the refrigerator? ›

Salt cod can stay in your refrigerator almost indefinitely -- bringing a whole new meaning to a pantry meal. Before it can be eaten, the product must be soaked in cold water for one to three days, changing the water two to three times a day.

Should you freeze salted cod? ›

The salt cod can be soaked, cooked, flaked, and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. Prepared salt cod can also be frozen in an airtight container and kept in the freezer for up to three months.

How do you desalinate salt cod? ›

One way to desalt cod more quickly is to soak it in cold water for about three hours and then change the water several times. You can also cover the cod with hot water, but not boiling, for a few minutes and then let it soak in cold water for a few hours.


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