Solaris sums up 2022. The company maintained the position as European e-mobility leader (2024)

Solaris sums up2022. Thecompany maintained theposition asEuropean e-mobility leader (1)

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•Solaris sold atotal of1492 vehicles in2022•Thecompany’s revenues stood at€ 696 million•Battery vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, trolleybuses andhybrid buses, forthe first time inthe company's history, exceeded more than half ofthe share inthe sales mixand amounted toexactly 55%•Thecompany hadposition no. 2 inthe zero emission busmarket in2022 with 11.2% market share [1]•Themanufacturer maintained itsno. 1 position inthe e-bus aggregated market shares inthe years 2012-2022 with 14,1% [2].

2022 company results

Solaris reported solid sales results in2022, especially considering themarket environment oflast year. Inthis period, thecompany sold 1492 vehicles andgenerated revenues of€696 million.

It isworth emphasizing that thevast majority ofcontracts executed in2022 were forthe supply ofvehicles with completely zero-emission orlow-emission drives. Battery vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, trolleybuses andhybrid buses, forthe first time inthe company's history, exceeded more than half ofthe share inthe sales mixand amounted toexactly 55%.

Solaris sums up2022. Thecompany maintained theposition asEuropean e-mobility leader (2)Solaris sums up2022. Thecompany maintained theposition asEuropean e-mobility leader (3)

The growing share oflow- andzero-emission vehicles inSolaris' sales mix, shows good recognition ofthe market andthe manufacturer's adjustment tomarket expectations. Inmost EUcountries, theshare ofe-mobility vehicles inthe transport mixhas been growing dynamically inthe last fewyears. Solaris, building itsportfolio inthis segment formany years, isvery well prepared forthe changing expectations ofend users.

This isconfirmed bythe company's maintenance ofthe position ofthe European leader inzero emission bussegment inthe years 2012-2022 atthe endof 2022 with acumulative share of14,1%.

Based onregistrations ofvehicles in2022, Solaris hadposition no. 2 inthe zero emission busmarket with 11.2% market share.

In 2022, just asin 2020-2021, most ofthe world’s economies faced unprecedented challenges. Thepast fewmonths have been difficult forthe European public transport sector andcompanies that manufacture vehicles. Firstly, Solaris followed procedures, which were established toensure business continuity dueto theCovid-19 pandemic andrelated restrictions. Secondly, theglobal electronic components crisis caused amajor disruption insupply chains.

In addition tothe above, in2022 global economy andthe company also hadto navigate ina newsituation caused bythe warin Ukraine. While Solaris itself andmost ofits suppliers were notinvolved inbusiness inUkraine orRussia, some indirect suppliers were already affected bythe impact ofthis conflict, which required special adaptation tothe newconditions.

Another factor affecting themarket environment waslast year’s unprecedented high inflation, which inPoland reached anaverage level of14.4%[3]in 2022.

Despite these challenges, Solaris hasproved with itsproduction andsales results that itis anorganization well prepared forthe dynamically changing market environment andis acompany that isresilient tomarket turbulence.

In thereported period, Solaris delivered itsproducts tocustomers from 18 countries. Major recipients ofSolaris vehicles included, among other carriers, operators from Spain, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Romania, Estonia, andLatvia aswell asAustria andCzech Republic.

In thereported period Solaris delivered intotal 401 units ofbattery electric buses. Also worthy ofnote isthe fact that Solaris sold 42 hydrogen buses in2022. TheSolaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buswas launched in2019. Since then, interest inthis technology hassoared, which isreflected inthe number oforders forthis type ofvehicle in2022 andunits commissioned for2023 andlater.

The largest contracts

The largest Solaris contracts, partially orcompletely executed, in2022 include:

  • 2022 started forSolaris bysigning acontract forthe delivery of183 battery buses. Unibuss AS, oneof thebiggest Norwegian carriers, hasagain opted forSolaris’ quality andcontracted delivery of183 Urbino 18 electric buses tothe Norwegian capital. Such alarge one-time order forelectric buses wasa breakthrough inthe company's history.
  • In 2022 theItalian operator ATMMilano hasagain placed anorder forelectric buses made bySolaris, going foranother batch envisaged inthe framework agreement for250 vehicles. Thefirst twobatches, 140 electric Urbino buses intotal, have already been delivered tothe client. This time theoperator hasordered another 75 units ofUrbino 12 electric buses.
  • In 2022 Solaris hassigned itsfirst contract forthe delivery oftrolleybuses tothe Dutch market. Dutch operator Hermes, part ofTransdev/Connexxion, hassigned acontract forthe delivery of10 Trollino 18 trolleybuses featuring ourunique MetroStyle design. Thevehicles will make their wayto Arnhem inthe first half of2024 andthey will bethe first Solaris trolleybuses tobe deployed inthe Netherlands.
  • City ofPoznań’s investments ingreen public transport aregathering pace. Thecity’s public transport operator MPKPoznań haspurchased 25 innovative hydrogen-fuelled buses that will besupplied bySolaris Bus& Coach. This isby farthe largest order forhydrogen Urbino hydrogen buses. MPKPoznań already boasts 58 electric Solaris buses, which account fornearly 20% ofits fleet.
  • Another contract forthe delivery ofhydrogen buses wassigned bySolaris inItaly. Solaris will deliver four Urbino 12 hydrogen buses toVenice. TheUrbino 12 hydrogen buses will serve theresidents ofVenice andits surroundings thanks tocontracts signed with carriers AVMVenezia andACTV SPAVenezia, which provide public transport services inVenice aswell aswithin thecommunes ofVenice andChioggia.
  • In 2022 Solaris haswon atender forthe delivery offive hydrogen-powered Urbino 12 hydrogen buses toPalma deMallorca, thecapital ofthe island ofMallorca. This investment ispart ofthe “Green Hyslan” project, financed with EUfunds. Theproject objective seeks topromote thedevelopment ofclean energy aspart ofinitiatives aimed atcombating climate change by2050.
  • In thereported period, Solaris Bus& Coach sp. zo.o. signed acontract with Latvian operator Rīgas Satiksme todeliver 35 Solaris Urbino 12 electric buses. Inaddition, thecontract canbe extended viathe supply ofanother 17 e-vehicles. Thevehicles will arrive inRiga atthe endof 2023.
  • On thevery last days of2022, Solaris Bus& Coach sp. zo.o. andthe Romanian Municipality ofBucharest (Municipiul Bucuresti) signed acontract forthe supply oftrolleybuses. Theorder isfor 100 Solaris Trollino 12 trolleybuses. Thevehicles will arrive inthe Romanian capital atthe endof 2024.
  • In 2022 city ofTallinn extends itsorder byanother 50 Urbino CNGbuses. Estonia’s largest public transport operator, Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT), which provides transport services inthe Estonian capital, hasordered 20 Urbino 12 and30 Urbino 18 CNGbuses from Solaris. Tallinn hasthus decided toexercise theoption provided inthe contract concluded inJuly 2021, under which 100 Solaris gasvehicles hadalready been purchased. Ince theorder will becompleted atotal of350 gas-powered Solaris buses will berunning along thestreets ofTallinn.
  • Moreover, itis worth mentioning that in2022 aconsortium comprised ofSolaris Bus& Coach, Solaris Czech andŠkoda Electric submitted awinning bidin atender concerning thedelivery of20 bi-articulated Trollino 24 trolleybuses, held bythe Prague public transport operator Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy.


Just asthey arefor thewhole CAFGroup, sustainable development andESG issues arealso forSolaris extremely important components ofits development strategy. In2022 Solaris published Sustainability Report which hasbeen drawn upby theGRI Standards guidelines, which arean international standard forreporting onboth responsible business andsustainable development issues. Thereport isthe publication topresent thefull range ofdata andinformation onthe company’s ESG-related initiatives ina comprehensive manner. Itis anextensive description ofthe company’s impact onthe economy, environment andsociety. Thereport isavailable onthe company’s website at:

Another important achievement in2022 inthe area ofESG wasto obtain theEnvironmental Product Declarations (EPD) fortwo busmodels. EPDs area recognised andreliable source ofinformation onthe environmental profile ofproducts. AnEnvironmental Product Declaration isan international eco-label that provides clients with solid data onthe whole life-cycle environmental impact ofa given product. Solaris hasobtained itsfirst EPDs forthe Solaris Urbino 18 electric andSolaris Urbino 12 hybrid vehicles andwill apply forfurther declarations forother products from itsoffering, oneby one.

Premiere ofa newvehicle andtrade fairs

Hydrogen technology hasplayed asubstantial role inthe company’s development andsales strategy. In2022 Solaris unveiled itsUrbino 18 hydrogen bus. TheUrbino 18 hydrogen busis nowSolaris’s second hydrogen busin itszero-emission offer. Aswith theshorter version, themain energy source inthis vehicle ishydrogen. With this 18-metre model, themanufacturer isresponding tothe growing market forvehicles ofthis type. This also reflects thecommitment ofSolaris when itcomes tothe development ofzero-emission solutions andits desire toprovide itsclients with thewidest possible range ofenvironmentally friendly vehicles. Clients will beoffered thepossibility ofcustomising thebus tocater totheir individual preferences. Solaris hasalready received thefirst order fortwo 18-metre articulated vehicles from theGerman carrier Stadtwerke Aschaffenburg Verkehrs GmbH. Itis worth remembering that theSolaris Urbino 18 hydrogen busis thesecond hydrogen vehicle inthe manufacturer’s range. The12-metre version ofthe Solaris Urbino hydrogen buswas launched in2019. Since then, nearly 100 hydrogen buses have already been delivered tocustomers inItaly, Germany, theNetherlands, Sweden andPoland. Newdeliveries toclients inSpain, France, andSlovakia, amongst other countries, will start soon.

In 2022, Solaris after almost twoyears ofslowdown caused bythe coronavirus pandemic – resumed itsmarket activity interms oftrade fairs andexhibitions, moreover, inSeptember thepremiere ofthe company's newproduct took place – thearticulated hydrogen busSolaris Urbino 18 hydrogen. Themost important projects inwhich Solaris took part inthe past year were following: TheEuropean Mobility Expo 2022 inParis, TheElectric BusConference Elekbu andInnoTrans inBerlin, International Trade Fair ofPublic Transport Transexpo inKielce, Next Mobility inMilan, Feria Internacional delAutobús ydel Autocar inMadrid andPersontrafik inStockholm.

Investments ininfrastructure

Solaris hasfor many years nowmaintained itsleading position when itcomes todelivering low- andzero-emission urban transport solutions totowns andcities throughout Europe. Keen tobe inthe vanguard ofmanufacturers having areal impact onthe green shift inpublic transport, thecompany iscontinually investing infurther development. Among many other initiatives that have been implemented inrecent months, twodeserve special attention: 10,000 m2 ofthe newwarehouse space, equipped with cutting-edge logistics systems andsolutions, andthe Charging Park, aunique charging station fore-vehicles.

These twoinvestments bySolaris were launched in2022. Both theWarehouse Hall andthe Charging Park have been built directly onthe premises ofthe factory inBolechowo, near Poznań, where thecompany’s headquarters arelocated. Thenew Warehouse Hall hasa surface area of10,000 m2. Thenew warehouse plays akey role inthe supply chain ofparts andcomponents needed forthe manufacturing ofSolaris buses andtrolleybuses. TheHall isequipped with amodern multi-level warehouse platform with anautomated conveyor belt. Advanced systems forsmoke detection have been installed throughout thefacility, andthe equipment used inthe newWarehouse hasbeen fitted with special acoustic panels todampen thenoise generated bydaily operations. Thenew warehouse facility hasa reinforced roof, with 572 photovoltaic cells with atotal capacity of260 kWpinstalled onit. Inaddition, 80 kWpcharging stations have been erected onthe site.

The Charging Park isan innovative, multi-bay charging station forbattery-powered vehicles: e-buses, hydrogen buses andtrolleybuses. This investment inour ownCharging Park – asingle central site forcharging e-buses – marks anatural step inthe dynamic development ofSolaris’s zero-emission range. TheCharging Park hasbeen developed todemonstrate novel charging solutions forSolaris buses toclients. TheCharging Park consists ofeight charging bays, pantograph mechanisms, plug-in charging stations, asection ofthe trolleybus network, anda technical room. This isthe first charging park supporting theVehicle-to-Grid (V2G) functionality inPoland, i. e. abidirectional energy flow between vehicles andthe grid. This technology makes itpossible toflexibly charge anddischarge buses. Itallows usto discharge buses fortest purposes andto usethem asmobile energy storage facilities, which leads tomore effective cost management.

Healthy order book

Solaris hasbeen strengthening itsposition asEurope’s e-mobility leader notonly through thedevelopment ofelectric battery vehicles butalso byinvesting consistently andin thelong term inthe perfection ofsolutions implemented inhydrogen buses. Themanufacturer believes that thedevelopment ofall e-mobility branches, bethey battery buses, trolleybuses, orhydrogen-fuelled vehicles, should proceed insynergy andthat this process ispart andparcel ofensuring sustainable transport forthe future. Currently, Solaris offers itsclients acomprehensive emission-free busportfolio thanks towhich Solaris isready tomeet notonly today’s challenges ofensuring sustainable public transport butalso thediverse needs ofcarriers, passengers anddrivers.

As forthe future, thecompany hasa healthy order book. Atthe endof 2022, itcontained 1369 vehicles inbacklog and1648 units inorder intake.

[1] Based onbattery/electric andhydrogen buses registrations in2022, source: Chatrou/CME Solutions
[2] Based onbattery/electric andhydrogen buses registrations in2022, source: Chatrou/CME Solutions

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Information Solaris

Solaris Bus& Coach sp. zo.o. isone ofthe leading producers ofcity andintercity buses inEurope. Itfocuses inparticular onthe development ofzero-emission vehicles, i. e. electric andhydrogen buses aswell astrolleybuses. This hasresulted inthe widest zero-emission product range inthe European market anda leading position inthis segment with amarket share of15.2%. Nearly 25,000 Solaris vehicles have been delivered sofar andthey plythe streets in850 towns andcities across 33 countries located throughout Europe aswell asbeyond it. Solaris ispart ofthe Spanish CAFGroup (Construcciones yAuxiliar deFerrocarriles) S.A. From conception, tothe design andmanufacturing phases, allSolaris buses areproduced inPoland. Moreover, allactivities undertaken bythe manufacturer arein line with thebrand’s mission, which isreflected inthe motto “We arechanging theimage ofpublic transport”. Solaris also actively partners with public transport operators andprovides them with comprehensive support intheir transition tozero-emission mobility.

Additional information

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director

Tel.: +48 61 66 72 347

Mobile: +48 601 652 179

Fax: 48 61 66 72 345

See also

  • 06.06.2024 Solaris celebrates: 25,000 vehicles produced andthe 25th anniversary ofthe launch ofthe Urbino brand More
  • 23.05.2024 Łódź orders 63 Solaris buses inmild hybrid version More
  • 09.05.2024 Solaris atNext Mobility 2024 inMilan presents ahydrogen bus More
  • 07.05.2024 Solaris Urbino 18 hydrogen will compete forthe Busof theYear title More

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Solaris sums up 2022. The company maintained the position as European e-mobility leader (2024)


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