MetaMaster54610's Death Battle Arena - Chapter 36 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)

Chapter Text

Name: Not important

Age: 26-28

Race: Human

Title: The Man Who Wants to Destroy it All

Bio: Little to nothing is known about the history of this unhinged madman. All that need to be known is that he has an intense, burning hatred for the world around him and all who inhabit it, and desires nothing more than to die violently and painfully while taking as many other people as he can down with him. At first simply going on an unfocused killing spree. the unknown man would ultimately set his goals to causing a nuclear meltdown in his city to kill as many as he possibly could.

Costume 1: White t-shirt, jeans and black trench coat

Costume 2: Brown hair and jacket, green t-shirt and black pants

Costume 3: Soldier task outfit

Costume 4: Battle damaged

Costume 5: Red hair, green jacket and black shirt and pants

Voice Actor: Tom Clarke Hill

Playstyle: The Antagonist is a juggernaut, able to hit hard and fast, while having some decent range game, but he's also on the slower side and can't get around very easily.


Standing Light Punch: Does a backhanded arm sweep

Standing Medium Punch: Charges forward with an arm outstretched for a lariat

Standing Heavy Punch: Thrusts the butt of his gun forward

Standing Light Kick: Thrusts one leg forward

Standing Medium Kick: Stomps his leg into the foe's knee

Standing Heavy Kick: Swings his leg in a crescent kick

Air Light Punch: Does a pistol whip

Air Medium Punch: Swings the stock of a shotgun into the opponent's face

Air Heavy Punch: Violently thrusts a knife forward and pulls upward as he yanks it back out

Air Light Kick: Knees forward

Air Medium Kick: Leans back to deliver a thrusting kick aimed for the foe's face

Air Heavy Kick: Dropkicks the opponent in the chest

Crouching Light Punch: Stabs forward with a knife

Crouching Medium Punch: Swings one arm wide for a haymaker

Crouching Heavy Punch: Violently thrusts his knife forward three times

Crouching Light Kick: Drives his heel into the opponent's shins

Crouching Medium Kick: Balances on his hand to swing his leg at the foe's kneecap

Crouching Heavy Kick: Balances on his hands to drive both feet into the opponent's stomach

Special Moves:

-AK-47: Antagonist pulls out his AK-47 and unleashes a quick barrage of gunfire straight at the foe. Can be angled up or down depending on the button pressed in the combo.

-Knifed: Antagonist reaches forward with his hand, and if he connects, performs one of three different knife-based attacks:

--Light: Stabs them in the chest, twists the knife and harshly yanks it back out before kicking the foe right where he stabbed them

--Medium: Harshly yanks them by the hair/top of the head and slits their neck with his knife, causing them to crumple

--Heavy: Wrestles the foe to the ground and stabs them violently and repeatedly all over their body before stepping off and stomping on them

-C'mere, Piece of Crap!: Antagonist snarls as he rushes forward with his hand outstretched. If he touches the foe, he will run them into the invisible wall, where he will pin them by the throat and punch them across the face a few times before slamming them down onto the floor.

-Pistol: Antagonist can fire a fast shot from his pistol, angled forward, diagonally up or diagonally down. Not very strong, but is fast and good for getting past high guards.

-Grab 'em By the Throat: Antagonist reaches forward with his hand. If he hits, he will grab the foe by the neck and lift them off the ground. Pressing one of the following buttons will have a different effect:

--Light: Strangles them for a few seconds before harshly pushing them over

--Medium: Snaps their neck to crumple them

--Heavy: Rams his head into theirs, leaving them stunned

-Grenade: Antagonist hurls a grenade in an arc formation, the explosive bouncing across the ground and exploding once it stops or when it hits the foe.


Forward: Antagonist rams his knife into the foe's stomach, then, still holding the handle, shoots them point blank through the forehead with his pistol, knocking them over as the knife falls out of their body

Backward: Antagonist grabs the foe, forcibly bends them forward, then stabs them repeatedly in the back before smashing them into the ground with an elbow drop

Super Moves:

-More Bullets!: Antagonist pulls out two AK-47s and cackles wildly as he empties both their payloads at once. He is able to angle the stream of bullets, with the right stick moving one while the left stick moves the other.

-Flamethrower: Antagonist straps a two-tanked flamethrower to his back and shouts "BURN, YOU F**KING WORM!", then screams in bloodlusted fury as he shoots a long, powerful and wide stream of flame across the screen that causes repeated fire damage and leaves the opponent with chip damaging flames after it's passed.

-DIE MOTHERF**KER DIE!: Antagonist screams in rage and charges the foe. If he hits successfully, he will tackle them to the ground, then stab them violently through the leg, dragging the knife upward as he yanks it back out. He then proceeds to start stabbing them all over their body as fast as he can, before forcing the barrel of his pistol down their throat and pulling the trigger to end the combo.


-Die Slowly: Antagonist grabs his knife and uses it to peel a large swathe of skin from the foe's cheek, which he then grabs and harshly yanks downward to tear off a massive chunk of flesh from their body. He then proceeds to plunge the knife into the wound and carve into it until bone is exposed on their face. As they scream and writhe, Antagonist will plunge the knife into their chest, then do it a few more times for good measure before huffing and storming away, leaving them twitching in their final death throes.

-Burn in Hell: Antagonist attaches his flamethrower, then fires a stream of flames at the foe that ignites them, causing them to scream and writhe in pain as they fall to the ground, trying desperately to put themselves out. As they convulse. Antagonist pulls the pin on a grenade and rolls it across the ground towards them, walking away calmly as the grenade explodes, causing the flames to grow wider and leaving a few charred appendages amongst a scorch mark on the ground, the only evidence the foe was ever even there.

Friendship: Censorship

Antagonist pulls out his pistol and aims to fire it at the camera... only for it to suddenly be replaced by a water pistol, much to his shock and dismay. He pulls out his AK-47, only for it to turn into a super soaker. When he tries his flamethrower, it just fires bubbles, and when he tries a grenade, it just bursts into confetti. Frustrated, he tries to let out an explicit curse, only to end up saying "FUDGE!" instead of the word he really wants to say. Further enraged, he starts to have a mental breakdown, stomping around and screaming "FUDGE! SPIT! DARN IT! SON OF A BISCUIT EATER!"

Intro: The Antagonist walks onto the screen, feet stomping harshly, as he gives the foe a hateful flower and draws his knife and pistol.

Outro: The Antagonist stomps up to the camera, then puts his foot through it, leaving a large crack and knocking it down. He then proceeds to violently stomp on it, further cracking it, before shooting it with his pistol and storming off.

Intro Quotes:

Let me introduce myself. I'm a man of hate and disgust.

You're gonna die and you f**king care?

Welcome to your nightmare, motherf**ker.

Outro Quotes:

Only my weapon understands me.

Suffer and die.

This is more than a killing spree. It's a mission.

Special Character Intros:

Postal Dude: This world needs to be purified. Only way to do that is to slaughter as many pigs as possible.

Haggar: Just try and stop me, asshole!

Ninja Turtles, Goliath or Jake Long: Oh good. I get to kill one of New York's precious defenders.

Chun-Li, Robocop or Leon Kennedy: Oh look, the human shield has arrived.

Most MLP characters: You make me sick to my stomach!

Batman: You'll be the one scared of me after we're done here, freak...

Luigi, Scooby Doo or Courage: I love seeing them shaking and crying before they die.

Evil Ryu, Devil Jin or Oni: Humanity in exchange for power? Interesting concept...

Doctor Doom: Only doom around here is yours, asshole!

Raiden: Why hate your nature, Jack? Let it rip!

Yang, Weiss or Blake: I'm way worse than that Tyrrian guy. I'm gonna see this through no matter what!

Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter: Heh... Guess we're making this a two for one deal.

Mewtwo, Lucy or Michael Myers: Finally... You really do seem to understand what I'm thinking!

Venom or Carnage: Two parasites combined is still just a parasite!

Ichigo or Pit: What's wrong? You pissed that I'm giving you too much work?

Sephiroth: Only one wing? Kinda sad excuse for an angel are you?

Raven: Daughter of a demon, huh? I only half hate you then.

Frank West: Take as many pictures as you want. Not like they're ever gonna be seen.

Widowmaker: Hmm... Think I've heard that name thrown around somewhere actually...

Aang or Steven Universe: Aaahh, nothing I love more than spilling the sweet blood of a pacifist all over the place...

Ghost Rider or Lobo: Sweet ride... Can't wait to take it after you're gone.

Butcher: Those so-called heroes, the mindless zombies that follow them, the screaming worms that hate them... I hate ALL of them.

Red Team or Blue Team: Tch... You really are just human shields, aren't you?

Hellbat: That suit's too good for vermin like you!

Silver: No use? I'm counting on it.

Jason Voorhees: Miss your mommy? Pathetic.

Chosen Undead: The hell?! I already killed you once!

Galactus: Yes... YES! IT'S FINALLY TIME!

Special Character Outros:

Postal Dude: Tch... Like I'd ever relate to a punkass bitch like you!

Akuma: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, wormfood to wormfood.

Wonder Woman: You know the truth now... I just hate all of you pathetic simpering worms!

Haggar: There's only one thing I hate more than politics, and that's politicians!

Bomberman, Natsu or Jinx: It's almost a shame to kill you. I was enjoying the destruction.

Vegeta: You have nothing to be proud of, you f**king runt.

Chun-Li, Robocop or Leon Kennedy: Like pigs to the slaughter...

Batman: I've done in one encounter what none of your enemies ever managed to pull off in dozens!

Ragna the Bloodedge: Idiot! You have a being of pure dark power and you don't even know what to do with it?!

Doctor Doom: You know what? I'm gonna go to Latveria after I'm finished with New York!

Yang, Weiss or Blake: Salem... I need to find her! I have to help her accomplish her goals!

Mewtwo, Lucy or Michael Myers: Disappointing. I expected you to share my desire to die violently.

Hulk: That's for breaking my ribcage, you big green piece of sh*t!

Scrooge McDuck: Perfect... Plenty of extra pocket change, and that means plenty of new toys...

Venom or Carnage: I won't let you touch me, you disgusting slime! I don't care what kind of power you offer me!

Bane or A-Train: Murder is its own kind of drug. One I just can't get enough of!

McGruff, Scooby Doo or Courage: It's not just humans I hate. Animals disgust the sh*t out of me!

Ichigo or Pit: You should be grateful! I'm keeping you from running out of work!

Sephiroth: I'm the one bringing despair around here, pretty boy...

Kenshiro: You're ALL already dead. You've been dead since the second I looked at your disgusting face.

Leon Kennedy or Frank West: Zombies... These stupid worms just won't stay in their rightful place, will they?!

Widowmaker: Strength through conflict, huh? Where's the strength in death?

Ben 10: Every. Single. ONE. Of those aliens. Is REVOLTING.

Ghost Rider: EVERY human is guilty! EVERY. LAST. ONE.

Static: How's THAT for shocking your systems, brat?

Esdeath or Apocalypse: Guess you weren't worthy to stay alive.

Geese: Humanity... Always so easy to predict...

Hellbat: Tch... Damn it all, the suit did you in before I got the chance to...

Aizen: I'M gonna be the one standing at the top! All alone, just the way I like it!

Excalibur: Back to bed for you! This time, for good.

John Wick: All the little kids better watch out. The new boogieman's on the prowl.

Silver: Your words, rat. Not mine.

Chosen Undead, Obito or Phoenix: Now stay dead. It'll be WAY worse if I see you again.

Makima: You'll never control me! No one ever will!

Galactus: Must be a sign. The only one fit to end this sh*thole is me!

Special Character Intros [My roster]:

Lillia or Pom: Beg! Scream! Cry! I LOVE IT!

Blitzo or Punisher: Gonna try and outgun me? ME?!

Jeff the Killer or Johnny C.: Some competition, huh? Interesting...

The Darkness: You don't scare me! I embrace the darkness!

Special Character Outros [My roster]:

Blitzo: Those f**ks are still alive down in hell, free and untortured?! DAMN IT ALL!

Punisher: There are no innocents! They're all equally guilty of being disgusting, vile, pathetic worms!

Wesker: You turned yourself into a monster. It's definitely an improvement.

Ezio or Agent 47: A job where you get to kill all you want sounds like a dream come true to me!

Theme: Particular Hatred Instrumental by Iperyt

MetaMaster54610's Death Battle Arena - Chapter 36 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.