Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

A A A A it To Your Weekly Write Often CHRO CHRONICLE-TRIBUNE. Send and Girls Service Boys In Service News Review of The Week Your SCHOOLS ARE CROWDED Marion's rapidly increasing school problems provided the agenda last Monday night for a lengthy meeting of the board of school trustees. School Superintendent Orville Hooker. reported the city school enrollment this year has surpassed the anticipated four per cent increase by one percentage point. Hooker said the increase particularly affected the Clayton-Brownlee building where the estimated first grade enrollment bad been.

87 and 118 enrolled. This prompted the school board to instruct the superintendent. to his proposal for converting the present school office space into an additional classroom to take care of the overflow. Hooker pointed out the total enrollment increase in the city of 306 students represented sufficient students for 10 more classrooms. He said with the exception of the Clayton-Brownlee, building it was possible to absorb the 'increase without too much difficulty, Hooker pointed out that four new class rooms had been added tot the Washington Building and ite had been expected one room.

could remain Tempty for this school year, This was negated, by the increase in that area the fourth room is being used immediately, VISIT TEX.AS CITY A TAX INCREASES COMING. Problems which confronted small Texas city after a General Motors plant was constructed there will be studied by, a group of Marlon city officials and business men who left by plane for Arlington, Texas, late last Wednesday, huge plant. was constructed in Arlington, a city of 8,500 between Dallas and Fort Worth, in $1952, and one year later the population had risen to 19,000 and today the town has an estimate population of 35,000. Mayor. Thomas Vandergrift of Arlington is playing host to the Marion group, which is interested chiefly in how.

"the city solved housing, water, sewer and street problems tin connection with its rapid growth. Members of the county board of tax adjustment wound up their annual session last Thursday and approved the budgets of the various taxing units without change. CounAuditor Alva Johnson said the budgets and levies were certified to the state tax board for at a meeting yet to be scheduled: There were no protests filed at the board hearings and no persons other than those officials concerned with the individual budgets appeared before the board. The proposed tax rates are higher than present levies in 24 of the county's cities, towns, and townships. Only Buren Corp.

managed to hold the line on expenditures and has a proposed rate equal to the 1955 levy. AIR SERVICE SCHEDULED Lake Central Airlines will inaug. urate scheduled daily service here as soon as. Marion's airport is ready, Lloyd W. Hartman, LCA executive assistant to the president Gwin Hicks, told the LeaderTribune.

Marion will be scheduled on winter timetables now being readied, Hartman said. The on Nov. two 1 schedule will list Marion daily flights originating in Chicago with destination Pittsburgh, Pa. Two other daily flights, one originating in Pittsburgh and the Marion other in Lima, Ohio, will land at en route to Chicago. Hartman was unable at this point to state varrival and departure times.

MAIN STREET John Moore, district manager of the Social Security office here, asked one of his clients. "Now about this proof of age business, Madam, could you by any chance, bring in a birth certificate?" and she replied, "No sir, I sure couldn't "The only, way I know when was born is what I've been told" John wondered if he should consider that just a rumor Wonder if George Rhetts is planning a sideline of racing promoting! one scout reported Tuesday night. that George was playing "Specdway" at the new hospital parking lot on Euclid Ave. that is he was in charge of the bicycle racing around the large lot which certainly is a lot safer than having the youngsters dash around crowded streets Just received tone of the final reports on the first annual Mississinewa Regatta and Barbecue and it certainly indicates the event has established itself after all expenses were paid there remained a total of $2,000 for the Hostess House it will, be bigger and -better next summer. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ralph Eugene Bennett and Doris Cox: James Moore and Fitzsimmons; Johnson and Idona Bolen; Clyde Enson and LorTroy Lee Miller and Gracie.

Elta McDowell; Cook; Scott Samuel Teal Haines Jean Purvis: Herbert Martin and Mabel Wells. 3 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clevenger; girl; Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Shugart, girl; Mr. and Larry Cowgill, boy; and Mrs. Patrick Foreman, boy; a Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, boy; Mr.

and Mrs. Dewey Meiboom, boy; Mr. and Mrs. John Gould girl; Mr. Mrs.

Charles Hurd, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Phillips, boy; Mrs. A. Cunningham, girl; Mr.

and Mrs. James Barnes, boy; Mr. and Philip Nall, girl; and Mrs. Harry Hahn, boy; Mr. and Mrs.

Lowell Sanders, girl; Mr. and Mrs. William McColly, girl; Mr. and Mr Arthur Brown, boy; Mr. and Mrs.

William Guy, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Paavo Pogue, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Starbuck, girl; Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Goff, boy; Mr and Mrs. Robert Haynes, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carroll, girl; Mr.

and: Mrs. Donald Rude, girl; Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Robinson, girl; Mr. and 1. Mrs. William Davis, boy; Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Paschall, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hisey, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, boy; Mr.

and Mrs. Virgil, Bullard, boy; Mr. and James Fuller girl; Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, girl, and Mr.

and MAs. Robinson, boy. DEATHS Mrs. Grace Lee J. Reynolds, Mrs.

Howard Spurr, James F. Hannah, Russell Blanchard, Rocoe. Miley, Dan Certain, Jackie Lee Luelten, Jeffrey Thomas Maple, Lester D. Smith, Robert Mellendorf, Olifer P. Hayworth, Aiden Highley, Woodson, Harry; H.

May, Louis Benge and Margaret Jane Comstock. REVIEW The Kokomo Wildcats handed Marion's football Giants their first reverse. of the 1955 season Friday night, rolling to: an 18-0 triumph at the winners' Kautz Field. It was the first North Central Conference start for both teams. Each had won two non-conference.

batties. Giant halfback Al Faunce was lost to Marion for perhaps the remainder of the season when suffered a rib injury in the ling period. their second Fairmount's victory Quak- of ers: scored week Friday night and evened their season's mark at 2-2 when they slipped past Hagerstown Tigers, 12-7. Fairmount opened up a 6-0 halftime lad, but were trailing 7-6 into the last four minutes of the Fourth period when Pete King hurled a 19-pass touchdown pass to Fob Pernod to give the Quakers the triumph. Mississinewa's Indians cruised their second win of the season in three starts, romping to a 31-7 decision over Alexandria's Tigers are the Tribe's athletic.

field. The Indians broke loose for two touchdowns in each of the first two periods to build a 25-0 lead at the intermission and upped their margin to 31-0 at the three-quarter mark. Alexandria picked up its lond tally in the final quarter Sweetser's Braves clinched a tie for the TriCounty Conference Baseball championship Friday at the Jackson School diamond, dropping Eastern, 5-1. The Braves were victims of a no-hitter by Comet southpaw Dick Mugg. But the Howard County athletes committed, nine errors to offset performance.

Lefthander Roger Shaw went the distance for the Braves, allowing only two hits. In other T-CC tests Friday, the Swayzee Speedkings routed Clya 13-3; Converse dumpled Bunker Hill, 15-13, and Western defeated Northwestern, 5-3. Reports From Service Men. photographic reconnaissance the fleet, Serving aboard the landing ship tank USS Traverse County with the Atlantic Fleet is Larry L. Stephenson, seaman, USN.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steing the service in October, 1954, he attended Mississinewa High School and was employed by the Indiana Bell Telephone Co. Pvt. Robert W.

Rude, son of Mrs. Anna L. Rude, 1329 W. Third recently was graduated, from the Transportation School's stevedoring, course at Ft. Eustis, Va.

Pvt. Rude entered the Armyl last April and. completed basic trainling at Leonard Wood, Mo. He worked for the Midwest Envelope and Paper Co. At the transportation school, he was trained to load and unload cargo and to maintain freight records, Three Grans County men home on 14-da; leaves after completing nine Weeks of Navy recruit training at the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill, They are Howard Kilgore, R.

R. 2. Fairmount; Mark S. Martin, Fairmount, and N. Thomas, Mat hews.

a PLOWING CHAMPS AND VICEthe nationd! plowing contest the national level land plowing I tour ch impion, right. (AP. This News With Hospital Notes ADMISSIONS Sharon Eisenhart, Gas City, Mrs. Warren Vanderwater, R. R.

Maude Mullins, 1128 (V. Sixth Thomas Riley 710 S. McClure Cameron Cravens, Swayzee, Cleo Gyer, 208 W. 28th. St.

Billy, Sapp; Jonesboro. Robert Clain, 721 W. First St. Mrs. Merle Tinkle, 820.

Wharton Drive Mrs. Robert Kelley, 919 Wabash Ave. Rebecca Drake, Gas City. Barbara 2305 W. 11th St.

Ethyll Beekman, 1829 S. Adams St. Mrs. William Anderson, 3423 Lincoln Blvd a Mrs. Martin.

Berry, Gas: City, Phillipp Thompson, R. R. 3, Marion. Mrs. Fredrick Renn, Ave.

Lawrence Gray, Wabash: Harold G. Wood, Fairmount. Riley, Fairmount, Delbert Rice, Fairmount. DISMISSALS Mrs. Robert Haynes, R.

3, Marion. Mrs. John Monks, W. Sixth St. Mrs.

William 0. Anderson, 3423 Lincoln Blvd. Mrs. W. A.

Robinson, 1328 Second St. Fredrick Luthy, Upland. Mrs. Raymond Hisey, 1608 S. Maple St.

Mrs. Claude, Ferry, Gas City, Mrs. Charles Hartley, 301 N. Barkley Rd. Ruby Donald, 1524 S.

Florence St. Herman Sanders, 1721 W. First St. Mrs. Gene Carroll, Gas City.

John Havens, 7730 E. Grant St. Ora Bartlett, 1916 S. Brownlee St. Jesse Hasty, R.

R. 2, Marion. Mrs. Dewey Meiboom, R. R.

5, Marion. Ms. Robert Walker, 609 W. Fourth St. Ralph Riley, Fairmount.

Lewis Edgar Norris, Jonesboro. Ruby Gulley, 3002 Nebraska St. Mrs. John Dray, 3715 Lincoln Blvd. Mrs Omer Hiatt, Converse, Mrs.

Cole, W. Third St. Mrs. James Fuller, 404 Bond Ave. Mrs.

Virgil Vullard, R. R. 2, Marion, Mrs. James Hyndmen, 2312 S. Washington St.

Philip Ganz, 904 Jeffras Ave. Mrs. Milford Kling, 1528 N. Illinois St.William McColly, Gas City. Mrs.

Paavo Pogue, Fairmount. Mrs. John Lee, Van Buren. 1 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Wisehart, 3230 S. Waite boy, 11:06 p.m., Sept. 16. Mr. and Claude McConnell, 2314 W.

Ninth- boy, 12:20 a.m., Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J.

Williams, 4124 S. Selby boy, 12:49, a.m., Sept 17. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hudson, 3129 S.

Carey boy, 2:51 a.m., Sept. 17. Mr. and Mrs. William Hunham, 16321 boy, 3:13 a.m., Sept.

17. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. Mughmaw, 114 Goldthwaite Drive, boy, 4:45 a.m., Sept 17.

Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Jones, Gas City, girl, 5:53 a.m., 17. Mr. and Mrs.

Don Martin, 2624 S. Nebraska girl, 3:35 p.m., Sept. 17. 608 Mr. S.

and McClure Mrs. James Leaming, boy, 6:20 p.m., Sept. 16. Mr. and Mrs; Gene Heinlein, Converse, boy, 12:56 a.m., Sept.

16. ATTENDS SCHOOL PFC William Snyder, son of William Snyder, 3323 S. Lambert 'is attending the Army's Troop Information and Education School at Ft. Slocum, N. Y.

PFC Snyder is currently the troop education and information non-commissioned officer of Headquarters Company, First 503rd Airborne Inf. 11th Airborne Div. at Ft. Campbell, where he will resume his duties after finishing the school." A graduqte of Marion High School, he entered the service on Feb. 21954.

Barbara Ann Scott Marries American TORONTO. UP Barbara Ann Scott, dimpled and radiant, Saturday became the wife of Chicago Stadium's Tom King. In Rosedale Presbyterian Church the 27-year-old skating star and the ex-basketball player for Michigan State University exchanged vows. The bridegroom's father, Dr. Thomas King, dean of men students at Michigan State University in Lansing, was best man.

Barbara Ann and her husband withs honeymoon King, in Barbara Mexico, Ann is expected to liye in Chicago after she completes, a proposed year's skating Canada. Teachers Get Red Apples, Superintendent, Green GENEVA, N.Y. (RA school from committee of hiring grappling sufficient with the teachers probpassed out shiny red apples to 21 newcomers. They' didn't overlook the superintendent of schools, either. He got a green Bowen, Grier Lead Pitt To 27-7 Opening Win PITTSBURGH (UP) Dick Bowen, a limber-legged sophom*ore playing his first varsity game, and veteran fullback Bobby Grier scored two touchdowns each Saturday as Pittsburgh spotted the University of California one in touch- the down and stormed back final period to win, 27-7.

The Californians, who played Pittsburgh to a stalemate in the first half, were visibly wilted by the 92 degree heat and the steam turned, on by Pittsburgh. Kentucky State Raps Manchester, 51-0 FRANKFORT, Ky. Kentucky State College together eight touchdowns Saturday to defeat football College, opener 51-0, "tor" both the season teams. An attack engineered in turns by quarterbacks Elmer Clark, fred Kennedy and Elbert Payne netted eight, first downs for the winners, who were in enemy territory most of the game. Manchester 0 0- 0 Kentucky State 19 0 13 19-51 TRIUMPHS GAINESVILLE, Fla.

-Jackie Simpson scooted the full 100-yard length of the football field with an intercepted pass and went 46 yards on 'another scoring run as Florida defeated Mississippi State 20-14 in a Southeastern Conference opener Saturday. PRESIDENT. Vice President Richard near Wabash. With him are Donald champion, and Eugene Holmes, Wirephoto), Coming Auction Sales ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES MONDAY SEPT 26th- 1 p.m, Funeral Directors 5 Automobiles for Sale Farm machinery sale. 12 miles Serving As.

We Would Be Served 1951 OLDSMOBILE Super 188" (north of A State Road 28 on 3 3 OWEN MORTUARY very good condition. Priced to then mile owner, East. Everett Mist Corn, Lon 2722 S. NEEDHAM Washington AND Phone SON 1877 sell. Phone Fairmount 438.

Dockrey, FOLLOW THE LITTLE CARS Auct. We Appreciate Your Confidence TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 814 S. Adams Phone 1552-W. MORRIS AUTO SALES p.m.

Personal Property of: Ros RAVEN- FUNERAL HOME 109 W. 3rd St. Phone NO 2-8380. coe Stookey, (deceased), Loca- "The HOME for Services" tion mi. E.

df Rigdon or 911 S. Washington Phone 1480. FOR CAR. BARGAINS 7 mi. W.

of St. Rd. 9 on Grant Worthy of a Sacred Trust SEE HOLLINGSWORTH Madison road, Wilbur DIGGS FUNERAL Servico, USED CAR LOT Clair, 504 W. Third St. Ph.

NOrth. 2-2503. NO on ByPass Phone 2-6585. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. CHAPEL BUY OR TRADE AT 3 miles East, mi.

North SHAWLEY MEMORIAL in 1883 1 DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES of Warren, Ind. Duroc Hog Sale. Established 3212 S. Adams St. Phone: 1954 p.m.

Weir L. Shafer Sons. R. John- TIPS TOP USED CARS 2901 S. Washington Phone 120 son M.

McIravy Auct Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 HOWARD AUTO SERVICE FRIDAY, SEPT p.m. 4 CEMETERY -Lots. good location, 802. S. Adams 12 2 mi, mi.

N. S. of Phlox Greentown, or 2 mi. Cattle, East Grant Memorial Ph. NO 2-8632.

1949 $100, you take of W. Everett Smith MARKERS MONUMENTS over payments. Ph. 3608-1 owner: Nash Swinford, Auct- We Give Holden Red Stamps 1955 BUICK Special Sell Sheep. Misc.

equity, BRANDON MONUMENT CO. take. bver payments. Write Chro- ESO THURSDAY, SEPT 22nd 12:00 45th Harmon. Phone 30081 nicle Box 747.

noon. Polled Herford Cattle Sale. Personal FOR, QUALITY USED CARS. Chas H. Miles Farm, 3 miles east GOOD CLEAN- -Rummage.

SEE on road 26, 1 mil north. Chas: H. Fri. 410 W. 6th.

MOTOR SALES Miles Harry H. Semap. Wilbur LEAVING -Tues. morning at 6 Second Wash. Ph.

NOrth 2-2574 Clair Dwight Ballinger, auc- a.m. for Los Angeles, Calif Will ALL KINDS 7T tioneers. take some one to drive and GOOD USED CARS SATURDAY, SEPT noon share expenses. Barnett Taylor, KILEY SALES SERVICE 1828 Elm St. Huntington, Ind.

phone WE 4-3732. Boots River Phone 5435 Household goods, carpenter tools. FOR THE BEST 1951 CHEVROLET -Bel Air Coupe, Mrs. Iva Hortman owner: Nel- GROCERIES AND MEATS excellent condition, power gide, son Stern and Son auctioneers. Bob Wilson opp.

P.O. heater, new. tires. 1323 Jeffras THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd- LOANS Ave. At .12:30 p.m.

3 miles south of MARION BLDG. LOAN ASSN. BUY- Sell or trade, Guy's Used Wabash miles East. or miles REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES Cars.1 323 N. Branson new north of Holland LaFontaine pike on miles old 15 east to ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1956 FORD -Fordor Country Sedan Box 721 Marion Station wagon.

Also one 1955 known as the Susie Hoover Farm. STEAM BATHS Massage re- TON PICKUP. Dewey Trueman Smallwood and Rogers, Aucts. Wyld. SATURDAY, SEPT 24TH 1 p.m.

ducing. EARL MICKEL, mi, S. of Swayzee, then seur. 212 W. Ph.

444. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 mi. in Sims. Furniture RAG RUG- weaving. Voorhis.

1955 CHEVROLET- -Sedan Deliv. Sale. Edna Jarvis, Estate. Eddie R. R.

1 Upland, north end Miller- ery. 14,000 miles, large Nash O. B. Swinford, Auction- Purdue Farm road: Phone turn lights. If interested will take eers.

Upland 916. $1,650. 337 E. Swayzee SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th-, SCIENTISTS have finally pro- Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13, At p.m. Machine shop and of- duced a waxless floor gloss 4.

1. fice equipment. 320 N. Elm known as STA GLO. It's long STEEL Truck bed.

ft. Fairmount. Everett E. Corn; re- lasting saves work and Phone Gas City 6651. deiver, Egg Hodd.

Auct. beautiful floor. Freck Mason. Parts Wrecker Service WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st OPEN SALVAGE Service at 7 P.M.-845 North Washington MARION SWEEPER SERVICE Phone 4309-W 17th and Bypass Street. Community Sales Auc- A.

B. and Scott Crouch Repairing, Service Stations 16 Ition Millspaugh. Boatwright, SWEEPER SALES SERVICE COMPLETE AUct. Don Millspaugh, Owner. 110 W.

10th. Phone 1226 MECHANICAL SERVICE AND THURSDAY, 22nd at 10:30 9. MAN'S- Overcoat, oxford grey, BODY WORK, ALL MAKES CARS 5 mi. north of Marion on 37 livestosk, size 38.. Like new.

Ph. 1218. WITH EXPERT MECHANICS Farm: implements, Brad- WE GIVE HOLDEN STAMPS FAST SERVICE housesold goods. Forrest Bradford BROWN TRUEBLOOD. Inc.

NOTTINGHAM OLDSMOBILE ford and Francis E. CLEANING. Wall to wall car- Phone 1328. 309 E. 3rd St.

owners. Fred Millspaugh, L. M. pets and upholstery. 9 12.

rugs EXPERT Body and Mechanical Millspaugh, Boatwright, Austioneers. $3.95. Rite-Way Cleaners Ph. 2952 Service All Make Gars Don clerk. LOANS AUTO FURNITURE J.

MATTHEWS, Inc. 316 W. 3rd 19th SATURDAY St. Complete SEPT. close 24TH-2311 out of Gro- W.

National Finance Phone 900 Buick Service Parts Accessories cery Grocery, stock and Millspaugh Boat- Now Open for Enrollment MECHANICAL SERVICE fixtures. Dohner DANCERS PARADISE EXPERT wright, Auct. Don Millspaugh, North Side Square On All: Make Cars: and Trucks Clerk. All Types of Dancing We Use Genuine Factory Parts THURSDAY, SEPT 22ND-11 a Phone NO 2-2933 CENTRAL CHEVROLET, INC. 2 mi.

then mi N. Bennet ZINA GLAD DANCE STUDIO 221 W. Second NOrth 2-6696 'Switch or 1 mi. W. of Clay Twp.

SEWING MACHINE Parts, reSchool, or 12 mi. of Peru. pairs, any make. C. Marine 2120 BUSINESS SERVICE Cattle, Grain, Imp.

C. Sommers S. Adams St. Phone 1727. Business Service Offered 18 Nash O.

B. Swinford, Auction- Field Co. Dream Wardrobe COMPLETE. Vacuum Cleaners C. McQuistoh, owners.

Eddie ENTER The $1,000 Marshal leers. contest. Also 25, other wonderful Parts and Repair Service MARRIAGE LICENSES prizes BROWN for you to TRUEBLOOD, win. INC. 3101 S.

St. Phone 801. EMMONS Allen Horine, 1936, Fair- PLUMBING One- man, plumbing mount, mechanic, and Beverly Jan- Lost, Strayed or Stolen repair replacement service. ice Street, 1939, Fairmount. LOST Beagle female puppy BRYANT PLUMBING CO.

Ph. 399. Burr Kierstead, 1887, Warren, re- 4 mo. Black and white brown WELL- Drilling, repairing. Pumps tired, and Susie Drake, Marion, face.

Phone NO 2-2386. repaired, installed. Helvie saleslady. Sons. Ph.

Gas City 8-2761. William Henry Sibbing, 1934, Key- AUTOMOBILES SEPTIC TANKS -Cesspools, toilet stone, USN, a and Marie Elizabeth Automobiles for Sale 11 vaults, cleaned sewer Latendresse, 1935, San Diego, lines. 'Basem*nt drains cleaned employe. i. 1953 PONTIAC range.

with electric cutting knives. Con-. Woodrow Wilson Conway, 1918, 1951 STUDEBAKER-Commander. crete tanks sold installed. Muncie, line mechanic.

land Flor- 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion; DAVID SEWER ence Magdalene Baker, 1924, Mun- overdrive. 1039 E. 38th St. Phone 4415 cie. Harry McFarren, 1921.

1950 1948 STUDEBAKER NASH-Ambassador. Champion DITCH DIGGING Water, septic and Warren, convertible. tank holes, cable, footings. etc farmer, Marion, factory. Stella Walker, 1930, 1949 CHEVROLET -Pickup' Faster, cheaper than hand dig, Oren H.

Carroll, 1904, Gas City. 1949 Phone 3090. broker, and Evaline New, 1011, Gas 1946 CADILLAC-4-door. INTERIOR Painting and decorCity, nurse. 1941 CHEVROLET-2-door $60 ating.

Ph. 5833 between 7-8 a.m. Jesse Leroy Gray, 1936, Marion, JONES AUTO SALES HOPPES TRENCHING Ditchfactory, and Donna Lee Welsh, 13th By Pass foundation, water line. 1940, Marion. 1953 BUICK HARDTOP Trenches 6-18" wide 913 WatGeorge E.

Laypoole 1933, Mar- Phone Gas Citv 8-8554. er, Ph. Gas City 5551. ion, machinist, and Juanita Hurd, 1941 FORD -Good condition cheap TWIN CITY SEWER SERVICE Marion. Phone 3275.

Clean sewer lines, septic tanks. DEATH RETURNS A CAR FOR EVERY PURSE Ph. McCormick Gas City 5801-82331 WINN Edward T. 2722 Home 1953 OLDSMOBILE Super REUPHOLSTERING Repair. Ave.

Shawley Memorial Chapel. 1950 CHEVROLET "210" 4-door South Side Upholstery. -Wanted. Ph. 5122.

1 CHEVROLET Club Coupe TREE CUTTING Reas- 1952 FORD Fordor onable rates. Sprong, Ph. 5315. 1952 PONTIAC 4-door' TOP SOIL And fill dirt deliverCard of Thanks 1950 MERCURY. Club Coupe ed.

iPhone 547. 3 NISSEN I wish to thank Friends, 1948 PONTIAC 4-door HAULING -Ashes, trash, anything. relatives, neighbors and all those 1947. PLYMOUTH 4-door Phone 7095. who helped in any way during 1941 PONTIAC 4-door PAINTING houses, especially of my my recent husband, bereavement, John Nissen.

the loss 3002 South KING AUTO Washington SALES Street shingled houses; reasonable, Es- no sloppy work-years of experpecially my thanks to Needham 1946 OLDS mileage, very ience and references. Williams and Son, the singer, good. 2216 W. 13th. Brodt.

Phone Gas City 8-5571 and for the beautiful flowers. 1952 PONTIAC Dual range. A-1 or 4037. Mrs. John Nissen throughout.

$1100. 217-S. Gas- WANT Lawn farm fence to: McCOMBS -We wish to thank our City, after 4 p.m, build. Clessie Davidson. R.

2 relatives, many friends and 1950 FORD Custom V-8 Tudor, Marion. Ph. Van Buren W.E.4-2615. neighbors for their flowers, radio, heater, white wall tires, RICH Top soil, cinders, fill- dirt. cards and sympathy given to us dual.

exhaust. 7 Ph. 949 W. or 5133. the illness and passing of our BARKER McCLAIN WASHER REPAIR in cial loving thanks wife to and Dr.

daughter. A. Spe- 16th Washington Sts. makes of wringer type washWesley 1953 STUDEBAKER 8, 4 door: ers. stock.

of parts and Mrs. Pugh. Paul Rev. Charles Wagoner, automatic transmission. 2 tone rolls.

We specialize on Maytags. Diggs Dougherty and the paint, white wall tires, A-1 BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. kindness Funeral and Service for their throughout. 111 S. Washington Phone 3444 help.

1952 WILLYS 2 door, 2 tone 3 SHIRTS Laundered free if we Mother, Husband, Ralph O. McCombs, paint, 6 cylinder, overdrive, like Mrs. Gertrude Morton new. miss BROWN a button. TRUEBLOOD INC.

In Memoriam 1946 PONTIAC 2 door. make: ex- REPAIR. PARTS McCUAN-In memory of Roy Mc- cellent; transportation. 3 For All Make Sweepers Cuan who passed away Sept. 18, 1948 MOTORCYCLE, 1 cylinder, KARNES SWEEPER cO.

1916. 2 cycle. Take trades. Aiso take 3745 S. Wash." St.

Phone 1772 Gore is the face we loved so dear, large outboard motor or runa-1 WIN A $1,000 Marshall Field Silent the voice loved to hear bout boat, After 3:30. 3612 S. Ne- and Co. Dream Wardrobe, plus Tis sad but true, we wonder why braska, 25 other wonderful The best are always the first to BROWN TRUEBLOOD, INC. Sadly missed by widow, Mrs.

Mae tiful red, white wall tires; radio, Fairmount. Phone, 113-W. die. 1955 PONTIAC Catalina, beau- WELL DRILLING-4 4 up. Clyde McCuan and children 1954 heat, BUI hydramatic, very Hardtop few miles.

red CARPENTRY Cement, painting. and white, radio dynaflow, work Phone 4312W. PTA Notes white wall tires. TREE WORK- furnace CLAYTON-BROWNLEE 1953 PONTIAC 4-door Chieftain wood, landscaping, Insured. Charles Young, principal, will Deluxe 8.

radio, heat, hydrama- LANTER Phone 1566 I present new teachers of Clayton: tic. SLATE AND METAL ROOF of the Parent-Teacher Association radio, heat. henna ACME SHEET METAL WORKS Brownlee School, at the meeting 1953 CHEVROLET 2-door Guttering, Furnace Cleaning at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the school. 1952 CHEVROLET 4-door Deluxe Phone 2960 112 W.

6th As another feature of the session 1951 BUICK SUPER -Hardtop, ra- HAULING Ashes, trash, dirt, newly elected officers and appoint dio, heat, dynaflow, two tone gravel, stone, dump truck. committee chairmen also will be finish. PHONE NOrth 2-2130 The Rev. Dean Mason will be in- 1951 STUDEBAKER 2-door V-8, F. WE REPAIR stated as president by J.

Everett black finish, white wall tires, SEWING MACHINES Peters, past president. He was un- heater: and "overdrive. ALL MAKES able to be present for the ceremony 1951 BUICK Special 2-door, radio, Let a Singer Expert tune up your last spring. heat. sewing machine.

Reasonable Group will be conduc- 1951 FORD Fordor, radio, heat, charges. Estimates furnished in ted. by Mrs. Howard Neff, accom Ford-O-Matic. advance.

Call your panied by Mrs. Russell Newell. 1951. STUDEBAKER 4-door Cham- SINGER SEWING CENTER acquainted games will be pion, radio, heat, overdrive. 412 S4 Washington Phone 372 played Harold direction of Mrs.

1950 OLDSMOBILE 4-door, SEWER CLOGGED -Cleaned with The Denison. radio, heat, hydramatic. modern Roto Rooter equipment the hospitality committee for J.1950 CHEVROLET 4-door, radio, SEPTIC TANKS Cesspools cleanMrs. meeting will be composed of heat, powerglide. ed with modern pump.

Clifford Ward, chairman; Mrs 1949 BUICK Special 2-door, radio. BEEKMAN ROTO-ROOTER Donalx Baxter and Mrs. Kenneth heat. A 1525 W. 5th Phone 1203 Henry.

1949 CHEVROLET: 4-door, radio, heat. Television Sales Service 18A DIES OF BURNS' TRUCKS TV- radio repair. See the 1956 INDIANAPOLIS UP Mrs. Nora 1951 INTERNATIONAL ton Motorolas. AAA TV.

Ph NO Louise Logan, 58,5 who was burned. pickup evenings. a month ago when her clothing 1951 CHEVROLET ton pickup GUARANTEED, TV A ERVICE caught fire from al stove, died in KENNY'S AUTO SALES CITY TV SALES SERVICE Methodist Hospital Friday night. 1415 N. Washington TO Phone 5633137th By Pass Phone 5431 Purdue Loses Center Because of Injury LAFAYETTE, Ind.

(UP)-Purdue Coach Stu Holcomb got a look his 1955 football under game conditions Saturday, but it was a costly one as center 'Neil Habig suffered a dislocated elbow. X-ray examinations showed Habig, an outstanding sophom*ore, suffered no broken bones, the arm was put in a cast. Trainers said Habig would be out from two to six weeks. Three other regulars, star quarterback Leonard Dawson, left half Jim Whitmer and end Ed Voytek, also went to the showers early with bumps and bruises. Dawson suffered a jammed thumb.

RECEIVES CERTIFICATE. Army Marion, (right), receives high certificate at Fitzsimons Army Martin E. Griffin, hospital completed his secondary' education Forces Institute, which offers of courses at elementary, elbaker, son of Cleo L. Hazelbaker, the Army in 1947. Antonio, Texas.

John W. Frazier. photographer's mate third class, USN, son of fo Perry A. Frazier. 601 E.

Wiley St. and husband of the former Nancy Greene, Gas City, recently departed from Jacksonville, with a detachment Composite 4 4. 6 ASSIGNED. Richard T. Heckard, U.S.

Air Force, recently was assigned to Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, after. spending a 12-day leave at the home of his grand. mother, Mrs. Ethel Shinault, '617 E. 27th St.

He enlisted June 13 and took his basic at Lackland Air Force Base, San SFC Walter A. Hazelbaker; of school equivalency candidate Hospital, Denver, from Maj. SFC Hazelbaker through the U. S. Armed servicemen an extensive variety secondary; and college levels.

Haz927 Ontario Squadron 62 aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Lake Champlain. The ship is en route to the Mediterranean to join the 6th Flect for an extended cruise. Composite: Squadron 62, flying Banshee and. Cougar photojets, provides Cunningham Services Set Monday SWAYZEE Funeral rites. for Mrs.

Charlotte D. Cunningham, 85, widow of James Cunningham, will be conducted at 10 a.m. Monday at the funeral home here. She died Friday at a. Logansport hospital! where she had been a patient for two years.

The Rev. Paul Reish, Kokomo, will be in charge of the services, and burial will be in Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Cunningham lived in this community until 1949, when she moved to Elwood to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Ellis Small.

was a member of the Swayzee Methodist Church. In addition to the daughter, survivors are a son, Virgil Cunningham, Swayzee; 13 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. CHARLES WEAGANT DIES SWAYZEE Relatives and friends last night learned of. the death of Charles Weagant, 48, Portland, formerly of Swayzee. Funeral rites will be held Monday in Portland.

His death occurred Thursday. Survivors are a brother, Harold Weagant, Swayzee, and a sister, Mrs. Cleo Cleary, Indianapolis. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS M. Nixon spoke yesterday at Barbee, left, of Conover, Ohio, of Waldorf, Minn.

national con-.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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