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June 5, 2007FREE

Asthma is the leading cause of school absences and pediatric hospital stays. Find out more about asthma symptoms and treatments by visiting clariannorth.com.

Coughing during exercise can signal more than a cold.

it ’s a win-winBest Buddies Brad Worrell and Brian von Eiff prove the unbeatable power of friendship. P2

Wolfsie heads back to school.


Art for music’s sake. P23

JUST ADD WATER...THey’ll Love it.



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Best Buddies Brad Worrelland Brian von Eiff

prove the unbeatablepower of friendship

Story by Brandon Bowman, Current In CarmelPhotos provided by Ted von Eiff

Brad Worrell and Brian von Eiff are best buddies. The two of them spend their time drink-ing milkshakes or playing practical jokes on each other,

to the delight of Brian. Nerf basketball games can get serious, and they always eat lunch together at school.

Brian has Down syndrome, but that hasn’t held the two back from becoming great friends through Best Buddies, a national volunteer program. Brad and Brian were honored with the 2007 Volvo Best Buddies for Life Award on April 5 in New York City.

Best Buddies is a nonprofi t organization that is focused on enhancing the lives of intel-lectually challenged students across the world. It operates in more than 1,300 middle school, high school and college campuses in all 50 states and internationally.

Brad and Brian met through church services at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. They participated in altar services and in youth groups. Brian is a sophom*ore at Carmel High School, and Brad is going to Indiana University next year.

When Jeff and Shari Worrell signed up their son, Brad, for the Best Buddies program, they already hoped he could be paired with Brian, son of Ted and Kate von Eiff.

“We have always joked that one day we would secretly adopt Brian as our son,” Jeff Worrell said.

Once together in the program, Brad and Brian spent hours with each other every day. During lunch at school, Brad helped Brian become more social with classmates. “People come around now and ask Brian how he’s doing and what he’s done during the day,” Brad said.

While they’re not playing Nerf basketball

in one’s bedroom, the two buddies also drive places together, rocking out to the music on the way. In a video that Volvo made of the two friends, the boys’ smiles stretched from ear to ear.

“A friendship in my words is being as weird and goofy as you wanna be without getting sick of each other,” Brad said.

Brian’s fun side often emerges through dancing. During a Carmel Rotary Club Lunch May 25 to honor the best buddies, everyone in attendance cheered on Brian to do his “famous dance moves.” Anyone doubting how smooth Brian is with his dancing would only have to inquire about their trip to receive the Best Buddies for Life Award. Brian was the only one who got to dance with Maureen McCormick, who played Marcia Brady on “The

Best BuddiesFor more information about the

program, go to bestbuddies.org.

Brady Bunch,” at a party after the ceremony. “My dad was a little jealous because he

had a crush on her for the longest time,” Brad said. That instance wasn’t the only time Brian would steal the show with his dancing during the trip.

The two were videotaped for NBC riding a tandem bike 27 miles in the Volvo Best Buddies Challenge on May 19 at Hyannis Port, Mass. Best Buddies was founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver, whose family has long lived in the area.

“We had a radio on the bike playing music to move to while the video guys told us how many miles we had left,” Brad said. The video crew was there to spotlight the two during the Best Buddies Challenge, which raised more than $2 million for the Best Buddies program. Full coverage of the event will be played nationally at 4:30 p.m. June 9 on WTHR-Chan-nel 13.

Brad and Brian are comfortable in their relationship. One obvious reason is the bond they have formed. Another would be that Brad gives Brian the chance to be one of the boys.

Male buddies are hard to fi nd in the Best Bud-dies program.

“The number of guys involved is really small. More guys should get involved, because you really do get to start a great friendship in the program,” Brad said. Brian’s parents thought that a female buddy might seem like a girlfriend to him. With Brad, Brian has grown in ways that he might not have been able to if he had a female buddy.

During the Rotary Club, lunch, Brian thanked everyone in attendance. He was like anyone else speaking in front of a crowd: ner-vous. Speaking quietly, Brad was by his side, giving him the encouragement and comfort that only a best buddy can offer.

“What they did was quite a thing, and we all have to be really proud of these two kids,” said Mayor Jim Brainard, who attended the lunch.

Brad drove the real message home at the close of his speech when he said, “The small-est things make the biggest difference in the lives of everyone.”

“A friendship in my words is being as weird and goofy as you wanna be without getting sick of each other”

- Brad Worrell

Brian von Eiff and Brad Worrell.

Brian and Brad modeltheir riding clothes.

An NBC camera crew follows Brad and Brianon their bike ride in Hyannis Port.

Brian dances with MaureenMcCormick of “The Brady Bunch.”

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CURRENTOON by Tim Campbell

Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, INVol. I, No. 33

Copyright 2007. Current Publishing, LLCAll Rights Reserved.

1 South Range Line RoadSuite 220

Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444Publisher – Brian [emailprotected] / 414.7879Executive Editor – Steve [emailprotected] / 847.5022Associate Editor – Terry [emailprotected] Editor – Jim [emailprotected] Director – Tyler [emailprotected] / 472.3216Associate Artist – Stefanie [emailprotected] / 340.1836Reporter – Brandon [emailprotected] / 489.4444Cartoonist – Tim [emailprotected]

Advertising Sales Executive – Dennis O’[emailprotected] / 370.0749Sales Consultant – Kevin [emailprotected] / 513.4359

Business officeBookkeeper - Mary [emailprotected] / 489.4444

Tuesday, June 5, 200

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It is our position that the Indiana Department of Transportation must commit to a timeline and a plan for U.S. 31 upgrades now - and then stick to them.

This year, our Legislature did all it could do to derail funding for any of the projects already contemplated by Major Moves. It shouldn’t have happened that way, but, hey, we haven’t voted ourselves pay raises, either. Yet.

Plain and simple: Crossing U.S. 31 is dangerous, and playing politics with plans to make it safer is highly irresponsible.

This corridor divides our community, and residents want to enjoy the amenities of Carmel’s newly refurbished downtown and West and Coxhall parks.

Former INDOT head Tom Sharpe

committed several times publicly that U.S. 31 work would be completed by the end of 2011. Since his departure, INDOT has been quiet, and we are nervous.

INDOT commissioner Karl Browning has yet to outline specific timetables or priorities. And, efforts by our city’s administration to develop safer, cheaper and more attractive solutions to the problem have not been publicly addressed.

The Legislature must endorse and fund action in the next budget session. Representatives Jerry Torr, Cindy Noe and David Orentlichter, along with Sen. Mike Delph, should work with their colleagues to make this a priority.

We should not wait for another traffic death before getting an answer.

Dr. Death is free, and it’s a great time for independent thinkers! Jack Kevorkian has been released from a correctional institution in southern Michigan. The retired pathologist, who claims to have participated in at least 130 assisted suicides, left prison after eight years last week still believing people have the right to die.

Some of us around this joint wish that if and when that time comes, he’s still around and we can have him on speed-dial.

Many of his “patients” traversed the continent seeking relief, author Michael Betzold wrote in his book, “An Appointment with Dr. Death.” It could be said he actually spurred a tourism

drive even if for one visit – into Michigan.

The point here is that terminally ill people should have the ultimate right to decide when enough is enough. We decide that for our pets – living, breathing, loyal beings.

Why can’t we decide that for ourselves? We have experienced first-hand the

painful demise of relatives, folks whose singular chance at complete comfort was a quick exit. They all were denied, because the judicial system said so. Our loved ones were forced to linger through the ravages of their diseases before their bodies finally quit. Talk about inhumane!

It should be a personal choice – and a no-brainer, really.

CHAmpion of the terminally ill

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It’s June, school’s out and it’s time for our rapier-like wit and never-ending battles against tax increases to take a minor break. We’re sorry to disappoint you, but this will be a warm-and-fuzzy Backshop.

Current in Carmel, in conjunction with Clarian North Medical Center, is at it again, trying hard to do something good for the community. Or at least four members of the community.

CarmelFest 2007 is but a month away, and we had the swell (stolen) idea to launch an inaugural treasure hunt for the event. Sue Finkam, manager of marketing and public relations at Clarian North (if you don’t know her, you should), wasted no time in putting the hospital behind it, and Jeff Bardach (one of Judge Gail’s favorite sons) of Bardach Awards quickly agreed to mint the medallion.

The idea is to send Carmel residents scurrying to every Carmel park in search of the prized bauble. The finder will find himself or herself the recipient of a trip to a four-star Florida resort (airfare included) for four. We and Clarian North are popping a new clue each day onto our respective Web sites (currentincarmel.com and clariannorth.com). Try it, you’ll like it.

We hope it is an enjoyable hunt, one through which families or groups of friends come together for fun (you might as well take advantage of our wonderful parks system as we send you hither and yon in search of the medal).

We’ve seen this work quite well in another city, and the buzz it created was phenomenal. It’s not about the sponsors, though; it’s about the event. CarmelFest is this city’s

signature event each year, worked nearly 365 consecutive days by volunteers from all walks of business and life. They believe in paying forward and making a two-day event as memorable as it can be. We hope our little addition to the event adds to the pleasure.

* * * Back to business for a minute ... and

another commercial. The Carmel Business Leader, a monthly business-to-business publication, will be delivered to every Carmel business address beginning the end of this month. We know you know things we don’t know, and we want to know about them so others can know about them. You know what we mean? Here’s an open invite to send us your story ideas, news tips and proposals for content. As with Current in Carmel, The Carmel Business Leader is another publication founded on the practice that news is what our readers say it is. E-mail us at [emailprotected] and let us know what the business community needs to know. We’re also happy to help you with your advertising needs.

(The pointed remarks and sarcasm return next week. Pardon the interruption.)

Hunt for the medallion

Steve Greenberg & Brian Kelly


TO THE BOTTOMComfort zones. We all have

them. The boundaries of some are meant to be pushed and others are meant to be protected.

They can become embattle-ments from which we aggressively defend ridiculous and often big-oted points of view. Or, they can be critical oases to which we can escape when times are tough or circ*mstances overwhelm us.

We can find comfort in food, people, places, sounds and all sorts and manner of animal, vegetable and mineral. Pushing the limits of my own comfort zone, I visited seven major European cities in a fort-night. London, Hamburg, Moscow, Kiev – all interesting and all very foreign.

Am I the adventurous world traveler? No. Travel has come to me in much the same way that new foods are introduced to my kids. My boys would go to the same place every time – McDonald’s. We say, “Let’s try Chinese.” They moan and groan, much like elementary school kids will. And then ultimately, they jump in and make the best of it. Their minds are opened. They reduce fear and increase understanding.

I would go to the same place every trip – our farm in Wisconsin. I know it. I understand it. It is easy. Then opportunity says, “Let’s try Kiev.” I moan and groan, much like elementary schools kids do. And then, I make the best of it. By the time I return, my mind is opened. My fear is reduced and my understanding is increased. I feel better for having gone and enriched for being a bigger part of our shrinking world. As adults, we are able to have a longer and more responsible view of the decisions that we make to go outside of our comfort zones.

In Moscow with a fluent Russian speaker and good friend, I stuck to this poor guy like a Hollywood stalker. But on the trip to Kiev, I was alone. We arranged for a driver who spoke English (he did), and

my friend told me that everyone at the airport would speak English (they don’t). With a smile and good intentions, I meandered around the sizable airport where even the “Information Desk” (the only English word that I could find), had very little English information. Comfort came in an unmistakable logo with words in Cyrillic – TGI Fridays. Arriving at the counter, I asked hopefully “English?” The hostess shook her head, nyet (no).

Soon a giant fudge brownie ordered by picture arrived, deliv-

ered by a server from another section who, as was discovered by the hostess, spoke quite passable English – certainly enough to explain the airport. Freshly empowered, I left a sizable

tip (plus all of the Russian money that was still in my pocket) and boarded the plane to Kiev without incident.

So now, I am different. Just like the 6-year-old who comes to the realization that Chinese food won’t kill you (and it can even be very good), I know more about myself and the world. My comfort zone is expanded and I am better off for it. I live the way that I do out of choice not fear. Moscow no longer intimidates. Would I choose it for my home? For many reasons, probably not.

I like our little town of Carmel. It is quiet, safe and pleasant. We

have just enough construc-tion, political strife

and inconvenience to know that the place is real, but not so much that I cannot go there to

find peace. Moreover while Chinese food is

fantastic, I’m not afraid to say and take pride in

the fact that McDonald’s has the best, most comforting,

french fries on Earth.

Terry Anker is a Carmel resident and businessman. He is a member of Cur-

rent in Carmel’s Editorial Advisory Board. You may e-mail him at terry@currentincar-


Terry Anker

Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to [emailprotected]. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range

Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 100 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification. Oddly enough, some newspapers have been hoaxed. Can you believe it?


Really Likes Danielle

Editor:I just wanted to let you know how much I

am enjoying your newspaper. I look forward to it each Tuesday, espe-

cially the articles from one of your newer contributors, Danielle Wilson. I find her “soc-cer mom” humor refreshing. Each week I can’t wait to see what she has been working on. It has been great to read what most of us fellow soccer moms are thinking!

In the world that we currently live in, she is a gift, being able to bring humor to an other-

wise ordinary Tuesday!- Tina Uhland


A writer for all

Editor:Great column by Danielle Wilson this week

(as usual). She has the rare gift of writing for all audiences and not being dull. That’s tough to pull off. Hope she enjoys writing as much as I enjoy reading.

- Kevin Heber46032



June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (5)

$ 3 At selected

merchants in the Arts & Design District. Go to www.WIBC.com to fi nd out if your number is rawn to win prizes. Your purchases help fund our fi reworks!

The St. Vincent Heart Center Parade at carmelfest begins at 10:30 am, Wednesday, July 4th.

The Wright brothers will be the headlineR of multiple acts, taking the stage at 7 p.m. on tuesday, july 3rd at the gazebo.

THe fireworks and music simulcast will begin at 9:45 pm, Wednesday, July 4th.Be sure and bring a radio!

I coordinate all aspects of the pa-rade. This includes screening appli-cants, developing a parade theme, and coordinating all of the various police, fi re, and safety personnel. Previously, I was the Carmelfest Chairperson for three years. I have a great sense of satisfaction giving back to the Carmel community.

Barbara is a Financial Advisor

with Smith Barney here in Carmel



Parade Director


Contact us at:JulyCarmelFest.orgor 571.2464

Marketing Services of Indiana



florida for four,including airfare?

Join the hunt for thecarmelfest medallion, sponsored by current in carmel and clarian north medical center. No purchase necessary. currentincarmel.com

& ClarianNorth.com are where you’ll find each

day’s clue by noon. Good Luck!

(employees & Family members of current in carmel, clarian north and carmelfest are

St. Vincent’s HEART Center

Parade at Carmelfest

For years, the Carmel 4th of July Parade has been one of the great family traditions in our community. Every year spectators set out their chairs and blankets hours before the parade begins so that they can secure a good viewing spot. In 2007 we are continuing this great tradi-tion with the St. Vincent’s Heart Hospital Parade at CarmelFest. With the help of our parade title sponsor, St. Vincents Heart Cen-ter, CarmelFest will once again present the people of Carmel with a wonderful parade. This years theme for all of CarmelFest is “We the People…”, which will pay tribute to our nation’s heritage. You will notice the entries embracing this theme and they promise to deliver a fun and entertaining parade.

This year’s parade will be reminiscent of the small town parades that have been a unique part of Americana for generations. Our entries will include marching bands, motorcycle drill teams, Native Americans from the Eiteljorg Museum, Civil War re-enactors, classic cars, clowns, fl oats, and some other sur-

prises, and of course, candy for the children. The parade will begin at AAA Drive and Carmel Drive

at 10:30 AM, and will proceed west to Rangeline, and then north on Rangeline to Main Street. It will then head east on Main Street and conclude at Carmel High School. There will be a reviewing stand again this year in front of Shapiro’s. The parade will be video taped and broadcast later on Brighthouse Cable Channel 16. We anticipate that the parade will be concluded by 12:00 PM.

Thank you in advance for attending our 2007 St. Vin-cents Heart Center Parade at CarmelFest. We do this for you, and seeing you at the parade is our reward.

Clarian North Medical CenterClarian North Medical CenterClarian North Medical Center

not eligible to participate.)

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Over the years, I have wit-nessed volunteers come and I have watched them go. On several occasions, I have observed someone new to

the area burst onto the hard-work-for-no-pay scene, diving into several projects all at once.

Since I personally have been known to bite off more than I can chew, I fi nd myself wondering whether the new Super Volunteer can keep up with the heavy demands. In a few instances, my skepticism has proven

justifi ed as the new volunteer has a career adjustment, suffers a life-altering change or

just plain old burns out, leaving the organiza-tion high and dry.

But Carmel is fortunate to reap the benefi ts of a hard-working, dedicated volunteer by the name of Gary Frey. Gary is a local life insurance representative, and I fi rst saw him charge headfi rst onto the Carmel volunteer scene about two years ago. He started off by accepting the position of facilities manager for Carmelfest 2006. A huge undertaking for the most seasoned festival veteran, Gary and his assistant Dick Gilday stepped up and worked beyond anyone’s expectations to provide all of the small details that make Carmelfest a crowd-pleaser. The two of them could be counted on to provide a solution when any challenge or obstacle reared its ugly head.

This year, Gary Frey is the co-chairman of Carmelfest. As the second in command, Gary is handling many of the day-to-day details that for the average volunteer would be viewed as a full-time job. For Gary, it is on-the-job train-ing as he prepares to take over as Carmelfest

chairman in 2008.But Carmelf-

est is not the only group benefi ting from his endless energy. He also serves on the Carmel Interna-tional Arts Festival Committee and spends a signifi -

cant number of hours working for the good of the Rotary Club of Carmel. He is involved in other local causes and is just one of those rare people that seem to always say yes. Thanks, Gary, for being a Yes Man.

Jeff Worrell is a local business owner. He rec-ognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on Cable Channel 16. Contact him at [emailprotected].










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The Carmel Rotary Club has an-nounced its scholarship winners. They are:(1) John Lustig, $1,500. John plans to at-

tend Purdue University and major in economics.(2) Haley Hall, $1,250. Haley will attend Purdue to study pharmacy.

(3) Teresa Easwaian, $1,000. Teresa will attend Indiana University’s School of Music and major in cello performance.(4) Anne Hosek, $750. Anne will at-tend IUPUI and study psychology or early childhood education.(5) Andrew Glaser, $500. Andrew will attend Georgetown University and is interested in the foreign ser-vice and international relations.

LIONS OFFER COOKBOOK: The Carmel Lions are now offering a cookbook containing 350 “Favorite Recipes” for a donation of $10. The funds collected from the sale of this cookbook will be used to sup-port the International Lions “Cam-paign SightFirst II” project. To request your copy of the cookbook, call 846.1191.

CARMEL CHAMBER EVENTS IN JUNE:• Chamber luncheon, noon to 1:30

p.m. June 13 at The Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St. Cost is $15 for members & $20 guests. Reservations are required.

• Business After Hours, 5 to 7 p.m. June 21 in the Arts & Design District. Stop at Woody’s Library Restaurant, 40 E. Main St., for appetizers, drinks & a map of participating businesses. Reserva-tions are requested.

• 22nd Annual Golf Classic, June 28, Prairie View Golf Club, 7000 Longest Drive. Foursomes and sponsorships available.

Make reservations by calling 846.1049, or register online at www.carmelchamber.com.

CARMEL DAD’S CLUB ETIQUETTE: The Carmel Dad’s Club reminds parents and guests that they should park only in designated areas at Carmel Dad’s Club events. To pro-vide a safe environment, there is a ban on smoking and on pets. More information is found at the Carmel Dad’s Club Web site www.carmel-dadsclub.org.

Jeff WorrellCarmelCan!


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Hand over the Nobel Prize in mathematics, people, ’cause I’ve just discovered a new theorem that will have par-ents everywhere applauding

my brilliance. I call it Kid Theorem 2.0 (my fi rst one didn’t pan out quite like I had hoped) and it will revolutionize the stay-at-home mom lifestyle.

Kid Theorem 2.0, or “More is Less” as it’s known on the street, states that with each

child over the age of 30 months added to a group of children also over 30 months placed in a confi ned space, one can subtract two from the new sum total of chil-dren. For example, if I have four children in my house, (ages 8, 5, 5, and 3), and their cousins come over to play (ages 6 and 4) along with one neigh-borhood friend (age

8), then the total number of children bugging me to play UNO for the 43rd time in a row is now one. In essence, the two older cousins and the kid from next door cancel out all but one of my precious little angels.

Many of you play-date-wise parents are probably already familiar with Kid Theorem 2.0. Alone, a pre-schooler can wear you ragged with his constant pleas for “Entertain-ment ala Mom” and his never-ending procla-mations of boredom. Invite a friend to play however, and suddenly your child is nowhere to be found, not even when you try to take a hot bath or attempt to read a trash novel. In the world of school-aged kids, mathematics

Danielle Wilson

IT’S OVERWHELMING, THEORETICALLY SPEAKINGenters a new dimension where one plus one actually equals zero.

I should also mention Kid Theorem 2.0’s pals, Toddler Corollary 6.4, which states that for every child under 30 months added to a group of children, the new sum total must be multiplied by 4/3, and Toddler Corollary 6.5, which reiterates 6.4 but multiples the new sum total by pi if staircases are present.

See, young toddlers are a whole different ballpark. Attempt a seemingly-harmless baby-sitting gig with two 18-month olds and I guar-antee you’ll be drinking cooking sherry and eating raw cookie dough within the fi rst hour because you feel like you’re watching fi ve kids instead of two. That’s because younger chil-dren have the courage to attempt dangerous stunts like climbing the pantry shelves but not the intellect to know it’s a bad idea. Plus they have an uncanny knack for suckering other unsuspecting toddlers into daredevil acts that even Evil Knievel would label as “foolish.”

Believe me, how my twins survived the “Terrible Two’s” is still a mystery, as they re-peatedly tested the natural laws of physics and chemistry with their small bodies and various

kitchen utensils.Infant Postulate 1.3, of course, states that

each child between the ages of 48 hours and 10 months who is thrown into the mix counts as only one additional person, unless said infant suffers from colic, in which case you must cube the total sum of children and then subtract its square (Corollary 8.7), or is begin-ning to walk, whereby one can square the sum and subtract fi ve (Corollary 8.8).

The good news is that Tween Theorem 12 demonstrates how one 11-year-old girl can solve all your problems. Find one of these gems and you’ll be whistling Dixie as she entertains your young ones for hours on end, not just because you’re paying her a measly two bucks an hour, but because she actually enjoys it.

So what’s all this math mumbo-jumbo mean to you? In a nutshell, if your babies are still in diapers, you’re basically screwed for an-other couple of years. After that, play dates will become your salvation. Peace out, SMOC’s!

Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contribut-ing columnist. You may e-mail her at [emailprotected].

Newly opened Central Park posted an attendance of approximately 5,000 people over the Memo-rial Day weekend, accord-ing to Assistant Director Michael Klitzing. For more information on fees and memberships, go to www.carmelclayparks.com or call 573.5235.Photo by Brandon Bowman

Central ParkMakes a Splash

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A memorial service for former Carmel High School Principal Dale E. Graham will be at 7 p.m. June 12 at Carmel United Methodist Church, 621 S. Range Line Road.

The memorial service will honor Graham, who died May 11 at the age of 81, and who served as Carmel High School’s principal for 25 years. Graham retired at the end of the 1988-89 school year.

Father Steve Fales of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Carmel will offi ciate. Because his church is undergoing renovation, the service has been moved to Carmel United Methodist, which has a larger sanctuary, Fales said.

Carmel High School Assistant Principal John Abell said many of Graham’s former col-leagues and students expressed an interest in a local service after they were unable to attend Graham’s funeral in Fort Wayne.

“I think the memorial for Dr. Graham will give many former staff and students and friends the opportunity to pay tribute to a wonderful man and great educator who had a tremendous impact on the Carmel commu-nity,” Abell said.


STUDENT’S HOUSE DESIGN CHO-SEN: Camel High School’s vocational building trades board of directors has selected sophom*ore Michael Gastineau’s design to be built by John Coghlan’s vocational students next year in Bridgewater Commons. The design, named “Stone Water,” includes 2,219 square feet, patio, a fi nished bonus room, built-ins and lots of natural light.

FOURTH-GRADERS RAISE $1,166: Fourth-graders at Woodbrook Elementary School donated $1,166 to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation on May 30. The students raised the money by selling greeting cards through their company, The Future Tycoons Fourth Grade Card Company under the direction of their teacher, Janice Fidel.

RAYTHEON AWARDS TWO SCHOL-ARSHIPS: Two Carmel High School students are among eight in Indiana who have been named recipients of $1,000 scholarships from Math-MovesU, a program sponsored by Raytheon to promote the study of mathematics. Omar Bari and Hao Yang wrote an essay about their interest in math. The high school’s math department will also receive a $1,000 grant.

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Stay Cool this summer!!!

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See What’s New this season

Save 20% on one item with mention of this ad

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Here are some of the road projects going on in Carmel. For full details, visit the city’s Web site at http://ci.carmel.in.us/services/roadconstruction.htm.

Third Avenue SW/Fourth Avenue SW Re-alignment Project:

Third Avenue SW from north of Industrial Drive to the south side of Second Street SW is closed. This closure will be necessary to complete the realignment of Third Avenue SW with Fourth Ave SW to eliminate the two turns necessary to continue north or south through this corridor. This project includes curbed roadway, sidewalks and an underground storm sewer system. This project is anticipated to be completed early this month (weather permitting).

116th Street, College Avenue to Range Line Road:

116th Street will be widened to a four-lane curbed, boulevard style roadway with multi-use paths on both sides. Improvements also include a new storm sewer system, a new bridge carrying 116th Street over Carmel Creek and a tunnel to allow the Monon Green-way to pass under 116th Street. Work this week will concentrate on preparing the west bound lanes from Range Line Road to Ralston Avenue to open to traffi c. Work continues on the Monon Trail tunnel. Be aware of the

possible traffi c change during mid-week, traffi c heading westbound on 116th Street from Range Line Road will need to start using the far right lane. An arrow board will be in place and signage will help direct traffi c.

136th Street, (Ditch Road to Oak Ridge Road):

136th Street will be reconstructed, from Ditch Road to Spring Mill Road, as a boulevard style roadway with a grass median, concrete curbs and gutters, underground storm sewers, and asphalt multi-use paths on both sides of the road. 136th Street is scheduled to close to through traffi c from Oak Ridge Road to Six Points Road on or after June 4. Traffi c will still be able to go north and south through the intersection of Spring Mill Road and 136th Street.

136th Street and Oakridge Road Round-about:

A roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of 136th Street and Oak Ridge Road. Illinois Street will also intersect at this roundabout from the south when completed. Improvements include: concrete curbing, asphalt roadway, and an underground storm system with a box culvert for the creek at the intersection, and multi-use paths.

Old Meridian Street, Pennsylvania Street to

Guilford Road:Old Meridian will be widened to two-lanes

in each direction with a curbed grass median, multi-use paths on both sides, curb and gutter and storm sewers. Improvements include roundabouts at Old Meridian’s intersections with Pennsylvania, Main Street and Guilford Road, as well as a traffi c signal upgrade at Carmel Drive. Construction continues under traffi c on the project.

Towne Road from 116th Street to 126th Street, including a roundabout at 126th Street:

Towne Road will be reconstructed, from 116th Street to 126th Street as a boulevard style roadway with a median, concrete curbs, underground storm sewer, and asphalt multi-use paths on both sides of the road. The inter-section of 126th Street will also be constructed as a roundabout intersection; this is being constructed by the adjacent developer.

The anticipated length of the project and closure will be 45 days from the start of the closure, which is dependant upon access to the grounds and utility relocations as neces-sary. Please anticipate a detour route to be in place prior to the closure directing traffi c to utilize Shelborne Road via 131st Street and 116th Street to navigate around the closure. All access to private or public facilities will be maintained via the detour route.


Dave Klingensmith will step down as Carmel Street Commissioner July 6, retiring after 36½ years of service to the community.

Wanting to spend more time with his family and his aging mother, the Carmel native also plans to work on volunteer projects.

“It has been a great privilege serving the citizens of Carmel for the last 36½ years. I have truly enjoyed my time with the city and all of the people I have worked with throughout the years,” he said.

Klingensmith’s family has lived in the Car-mel area since 1854, farming land at the south-west corner of Meridian and 116th Street.

Before holding the position of street com-missioner, he spent 16½ years in the Carmel Police Department, joining the force in 1971 as a patrolman. He was later promoted to major in charge of uniformed personnel. In 1987, he transferred to the Street Department as com-missioner, where he has stayed for the past 20 years. In 1999, Klingensmith was awarded the Street Commissioner of the Year Award for the State of Indiana.

Mayor Jim Brainard said the city has ben-efi ted greatly from Klingensmith’s time serving Carmel.

With the resignation of Carmel City Councilman Brian Mayo in District 3, Eric Seiden-sticker is eligible to take Mayo’s place pending the results of a caucus to be held on June 21, according to Charlie White, the Hamilton County Republican Party chairman.

Mayo is resigning to take a fi refi ghting job in South Carolina.

White received Mayo’s resignation letter effective June 10.

“Any talk of an earlier resignation has not reached me yet,” White said. White is optimis-tic that Seidensticker will fi ll the spot with the support of Mayor Jim Brainard and himself.

“While it’s unfortunate that Brian is leav-ing before his term is over, we wish him the best in his new job and thank him for his service,” Brainard said. “I am supporting Eric Seidensticker as Brian’s replacement for the remainder of the year.”

Earlier in the week, John Accetturo stepped in to fi ll the vacancy left by Mayo. Accetturo was unable to fi ll that vacancy for the remainder of the year because he lives in District 2. As a result, the primary winner for that district, Seidensticker, is now eligible to run in District 3.

— Brandon Bowman

city council plays musical chairs


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After reading numerous obitu-aries following Jerry Falwell’s death May 15, this news surprised me:

How well liked and admired Falwell was by people who actually knew him.

I guess that explains how Falwell built Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty Univer-sity and the Moral Majority when so much of the world saw him only as a big pain in the neck.

You wouldn’t necessarily pick up this vir-tue from watching him preach on TV, because he seemed harsh and unyielding, if truthful and faithful. On that score, TV didn’t do him justice. Yet I am glad some writers took the time to point out that he was a warm, person-able and eminently likable guy. Up close he was so obviously and profoundly a good man on a mission for Christ.

I’m sure he was warmly welcomed home.Falwell won the respect of his enemies,

most notably the profane and recalcitrant Larry Flynt. Falwell seemed like the type who held a grudge. He wasn’t. What a great witness for Christ.

Of all the obits I read — suffering the many “we’re glad he’s gone” sentiments — I thought the best (and most fun) apologetic came from Ann Coulter in her May 16 column (anncoul-ter.com, archives), “Jerry Falwell, Meet Ronald

Reagan.” Sadly, “Fundamen-

talist Preacher” has become an invective used to describe Fal-well, as if there were something wrong with believing in and preaching the truth of the Bible; The Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the Deity of Christ; the virgin birth; the fact of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection

and ascension; the reality and presence of the Holy Spirit; and that Christ died for our sins, defeated death and gives us everlasting life with God the Father in Heaven.

Falwell preached that you have to have faith in Christ, and follow Christ, in order to enter into the joys of Christ.

Too many of us want the joys, without faith and following.

Yet, those are the fundamentals.

Bob Walters ([emailprotected]), a Carmel resident, wonders where the country would be spiritually if Falwell hadn’t created the Moral Majority. His views do not represent those of this newspaper.

Bob WaltersSpirituality

remembering falwell

Family Members: Nicole and Brad Todd; Brandon, 8; Justin, 13; Samantha, 11Residence: Smokey Ridge Way, CarmelMembers of: Carmel United Methodist Church Why the Todds worship at CUMC: Our family felt at home from the fi rst Sunday we visited CUMC almost 10 years ago. It has become a second

home. Our children have been baptized and confi rmed there and given many opportunities to connect with God. For our family, church is more than going to worship on Sunday mornings. CUMC has provided us the opportunities to participate in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, United Methodist Women, missions, Bible studies, and children and youth ministries. We are blessed that our family can continue to strengthen our

relationship with God and grateful for CUMC.

Carmel United Methodist Chuch

Location: 621 S. Range Line Road, CarmelPhone: 844.7275Web site: www.carmelumc.org

WHERE WE WORSHIP (and why)Meet the Todds

Diamond CuttersLawn Care

Does your yard need a spring clean-up? • Mow • Trim • Blow • Fertilize • NOW FEATURING - Mulch Bed Design!

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I have decided to return to teaching part time. I was a high school teacher during the ’70s, but I knew after 10 years of the same grind there had to be more to life than stress and

anxiety, so I got into television where there was more to life than just stress and anxiety. There was also jealousy, backbiting and a lot of stealing of my lunch out of the WISH-TV refrigerator.

The course is titled “The Art of Writing

Funny,” and it sounds to me like it will be a popular class, but it also may end up being a dumb idea. I remember years ago there was this fine restaurant in town and the chef thought it would be cool to teach

a cooking seminar on how he prepared his signature dishes at a fraction of the cost he charged in his eatery. All his best customers took it and two months later his restaurant went out of business. I think he should have seen it coming.

So if I am really good at teaching this, I will be creating would-be humor columnists — men and women who will be competing for my space in local newspapers. My success

could destroy me.But, if I am

unsuccessful in teaching this course, I might be releasing 20 or 30 people into the world who now mistakenly think they are funny. That’s enough people to ruin perfectly good co*cktail parties throughout Indianapolis, annoy innocent relatives at holiday get-togethers or embarrass themselves at office Christmas parties.

By the way, the course I am teaching is in the adult learning program. To prepare properly, I was required to take some in-service instruction at the university to enlighten new teachers on the difference between teaching children (pedagogy) and educating adults, which is apparently called andragogy. I had never heard that term before, nor had spell-check on my computer, nor my proofreader, nor my 1968 Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

When the professor asked me in class if I knew what andragogy meant, I told her it

was a lifeform from “Star Trek” that had both male and female parts but overall possessed a Klingon personality. No one else thought that was funny, but I’m the one who’s going to be teaching a comedy class, not them.

The course stressed that the method of teaching adults is “totally different from teaching children.”

“Do you understand that, Mr. Wolfsie?” I was asked.

“Like, totally,” I said, which made it seem like I was back talking to children again.

The methods and approaches now advocated for teaching adults seem similar to the way I used to conduct my class back in the ’70s. Oh dear, that means when I was supposed to be doing the pedagogy thing, I was really doing the andragogy thing, which is maybe why the students at New Rochelle High School were always looking at me like I had both male and female parts.

I’ll be teaching this course at the University of Indianapolis in the late fall. I’d tell you their Web site so you could register, but that would be very pedagogical of me. I want to facilitate you to discover the Web site on your own. That would be very andragogical.

You’re never too old to learn.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at [emailprotected].

Falling off the hipness curve

W’here American Popular Culture is concerned, I have given up, thrown in the towel, called in the dogs and put out the

fire. Also quit.I simply have no desire to waste any space

in my brain on Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. I am behind the hipness curve, and I love it. And it’s not just about The Three Stoogettes. Look at other ways I seem to have fallen behind the times:

1. I have never seen a “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie.

2. I didn’t see ‘Spiderman,” “Shrek,” “Spiderman 2,” or “Shrek 2” until they came out on DVD, and I have no intention of seeing “Spiderman 3” or “Shrek 3” until they do.

3. I have no idea what it’s like to watch “American Idol.”

4. Likewise “Dancing With the Stars.”5. Or “The View.” Although from what I

see online, it looks like I missed a pretty good

snarling match between Rosie O’Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck the other day

6. Let’s face it, I just don’t watch TV or go to the movies much.

7. Or listen to the radio. I have no idea what’s popular on Top 40 Radio right now.

8. Or country radio. Or talk radio. 9. My iPod playlist is nonexistent, seeing as

how I don’t have an iPod.Actually, this list could keep going. I could

easily devote another 10 spaces to song titles that make no sense when I try to read them. Then again, that could be a matter of getting my bifocals adjusted.

I am gloriously out of step with America’s All-Celebrity-All-The-Time, Entertainment-Is-Everything culture.

Ah, but it was not always so. There was a time when I was Living The Dream. I had the hip clothes, the cool job, the hair down to my shoulder blades (it was the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, and besides, I had hair to spare back then). And I had near-encyclopedic knowledge of What Was Hip.

And now I can see that it was WAY too much work. And for what? To keep up with some trend, some fashion, some fad that’s going to last a few years — or less? How dopey I was.

It has to be even more difficult these days. Thanks to instantaneous worldwide communication, the lifespans of some trends

can now be measured in minutes. If my sister’s kids are any indication, keeping up appearances is practically a full-time job.

You know, it would have been nice if someone had told me all this stuff when I was young. Then again, I doubt I would have listened. You can’t take advice from people who aren’t on your wavelength (parents, in my case). Wait a minute. It just dawned on me that they probably DID say it, and it probably went in one ear and out the other, and as a result I spent the next 30 years learning the hard way.

Oh well. I’m over it now. What, you need more proof? OK. Here is the proof that you

can’t get more un-hip than me:10. I still call my CD’s “records.” My sister’s kids think this is hilarious.And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to

check the movie listings. Not that I’m going out or anything. I just like to know what I won’t be seeing, and I love to do it with my computer.

Hey, I may be unhip, but I’m not Amish.

Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at [emailprotected] or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244. For information on speaking fees and availability, visit www.spotlightwww.com.

Mike RedmondHumor

Dick WolfsieHumor

The curriculum of comedy

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DISPATCHESCLARIAN NORTH ANNOUNCES NEW CARDIAC LAB: Clarian North Medical Center in Carmel has added a second cardiac catheterization lab to meet increased patient demand. Clarian says the new lab features technology that aids in diagnosis and allows for accurate and fast stent length measurement. The hospital has also expanded the amount of space used by its intensive care and progressive care services. The 700,000-square-foot full-service hospital opened 18 months ago.

MEN’S NIGHT OUT: Join other men for a Guy’s Night Out hosted by Premier Sports Chiropractic, 120 E. Carmel Drive, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday. Some of the offer-ings are mini-massages, ionic foot baths, spinal health assessments, electronic gadgets, beer sampling and food. For reservations, call 844.7000 or email [emailprotected].


Ah, summer is here, and most everyone is eager to fi re up the grill.

Look, there’s probably some danger in everything

we humans do. Call me a traitor if you like, but America has been misled by slick Madison Avenue advertising to believe that the hot dog is the Holy Grail of Ameri-can culinary pop culture. It’s downright un-American to go to a ball game and NOT eat a few pups and slake your thirst with a few cold brews.

As you chew, savor this: The Department

of Agriculture confi rms that hot dogs contain scrumptious skeletal muscles, pork stomach, yummy snout parts, intestines, spleen and lips. Urp!

Americans eat more than 16 billion scrap-fi lled hot dogs each year and will passionately defend to the death their right to eat or die from whatever the “%*@%” they want, thank you!

Nibble on this: The Global Healing Center study found that children eating more than 12

hot dogs per month have nine times the nor-mal risk of developing childhood leukemia. A strong risk exists for those children whose fathers’ intake of hot dogs was 12 or more per month. Call me a party pooper, but celebrat-ing a family event with a food we know will cause disease seems, well, wrong.

Like blowing second-hand smoke in your child’s face, serving them hot dogs might be considered child abuse or attempted mur-der because of the leukemia connection. Hot dogs may also be contaminated by listeria; an aerobic parasitic bacterium.

Tube steak also contains nitrites, which are used as preservatives, pri-marily to combat botulism. During the cooking process, nitrites combine with amines naturally present in meat to form carcinogenic compounds.

Nitrites can combine with compounds in the human stomach to form known carcino-gens that have been associated with cancer of the oral cavity, bladder, esophagus, stomach and brain. All cured meats contain villainous nitrites, including bacon and fi sh, according to

the Cancer Prevention Coalition at the School of Public Health in the University of Illinois Medical Center.

Read labels. Request that your supermar-

ket have nitrite-free hot dogs available. Contact your local school board and fi nd out whether

children are being served nitrite hot dogs in

the cafeteria, then politely request that

they use only nitrite-free hot dogs. It’s urgent

that parents re-evaluate the meat being fed their chil-

dren. These meats also contain antibiotics, growth hormones,

sex hormones, colorings, pesticide residue and other charming chemicals.Write the FDA and express your concern

that nitrite hot dogs are not labeled for their cancer risk to children. You can wrap poop in gold foil and tie a pretty bow around it, but it’s still poop.

Contact Wendell Fowler at [emailprotected] or go to www.wendellfowler.com

Wendell Fowler

HealthGrades, the leading independent healthcare ratings company, just ranked St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana as the state’s top overall cardiac program. In fact, we’ve earned that distinction two years in a row. We’re also a 2006 Solucient Top 100 Cardiovascular Hospital. And once you experience our level of care, we think you’ll rate us pretty highly too.

GettinG rated the state’s top heart proGram feels Great.

maybe even better than it felt last year.


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It’s time to try out the new, paved trails in Carmel’s Central Park.

The trails in the park — at 111th Street and College Avenue — will be used for weekly 5-kilometer (3.1-mile) training runs. The Runners Forum Summer Series will begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and continue on Thursdays through August.

These 5Ks will be low-key, all-comers events. For $3, which goes to Carmel Clay Parks and Recre-ation, you can have “a nice run with friends or

some friendly week-day competition.”

Marty Day of Runners Forum and The End Result Co. said he expects high school and middle school runners, local distance runners, families and walk-ers to participate. “I’m looking for 150 people” a week, once the series gets going, Day said.

Participants will be

timed with computer chips, and age-group records will be kept, he said. Each Thursday, there will be random draw-ings for prizes. Information: 844.1558.

***Carmel’s annual July 4

Freedom Run and Walk will begin at 8 a.m. at Carmel High School. The 4-mile run/walk will be followed by a picnic and the annual CarmelFest Pa-rade. New this year: a 1.5-mile family fun walk.

You can register online at www.tuxbro.com. The entry fee is $18 before June 27; then the fee is $22. Children 17 and younger can race for $15, if they pre-register. The race starts and fi nishes on the west side of Carmel High School, 520 E. Main St.

Last year, the Freedom Run and Walk had 530 fi nishers, including some of the area’s fastest. Aaron Moody of Indianapolis won in 20:11 and Lucie Mays-Sulewski of Westfi eld, the fastest female, fi nished in 23:14.

Patty Hagen, a Carmel resident, has been writing about health and fi tness for 25 years. She’s the author of “A Mini Splendored Thing – A Celebra-tion of 30 Years of the 500 Festival Mini-Mara-thon.” Ideas for Fitness Forum? Contact her at [emailprotected].

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Patty HagenFitness Forum

DISPATCHESSTEAK N SHAKE CUTS TRANS FATS: Indianapolis-based Steak n Shake has cut the trans fats from frying oil at its 478 restaurants nationwide. The restaurant plans to remove added trans fats from the menu wherever possible in the coming months.

NIACIN HELPS RELEASE ENERGY: The B vitamin niacin is what helps your cells release the energy that muscles need to move. Most of the niacin your body needs comes from tryptophan, an amino acid supplied by protein foods (e.g., turkey). The rest must come from foods that deliver niacin “straight up.” Rec-ommended daily intake is 16 mg for men, 14 mg for women. Good natu-ral sources of niacin include meats, fi sh, poultry, legumes (including peas and peanuts) and seeds.


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By Gary Hubbard

E-mail has become increasingly more dangerous as a communication tool, unfortu-nately. Any message that has an attachment is automatically elevating itself into the danger category because of the plethora of attacks that are designed to persuade folks to open an attachment.

In my opinion, e-mail and digital photog-raphy have grown apart over the past couple of years, and we all need to think differently about how we electronically share our photos with others.

In the past, attaching a photo to an e-mail message was fairly straightforward and effec-tive. But with all of the image-based spam (and spam filters targeting those kinds of messag-es), as well as the enormous image sizes being generated by today’s digital cameras, it’s time to change our habits.

If you’re not careful, that single photo attached to a message might clog up your outbox, which will hold up all messages sent after it because the image is too large.

Even if you can send the large file from your e-mail account, your recipient may not be very happy with you because their Internet connection may be slow enough that your single message clogs up their inbox while it tries to download the image.

The bottom line is that avoiding e-mail messages with attachments (sender and

receiver) by finding alternatives is a good idea for today’s Internet users.

When it comes to digital photography, the photo Web sites that allow you to privately share your photos with others make good sense.

Not only can you avoid all of the hassles of trying to get an e-mail attachment around size restrictions and spam filters, you also benefit by creating an off-site backup for your precious photos.

Some of the more popular sites include Shutterfly.com, Webshots.com, photos.Yahoo.com, Flickr.com, Photobucket.com, Snapfish.com and Kodakgallery.com (formerly Ofoto).

Many of our most precious vacation memo-ries have been captured in beautifully and professionally bound photo coffee table books that can be created online at many of these sites for as little as $25 per book (Shutterfly.com) once you have uploaded your pictures.

By getting familiar with these sites, you can privately or publicly share large quantities of photos with a large number of people because you bypass all the limitations imposed by e-mail (and your friends and family will thank you for it!)

Gary Hubbard is owner of Data Doctors Computer Services (www.datadoctors.com), a drop center for electronic donations and recycling. Contact Gary at [emailprotected].

Photo ATTACHMENTS can be a problem




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DISPATCHESLOOKS LIKE A PHONOGRAPH, PLAYS CDS: Designer Yong Jieyu disas-sembled a CD player and created a

device that looks like an old-time phonograph but plays CDs. The laser pointer is shifted to the top allow-ing the spin of the CD to be clearly shown. By

bringing back the familiar nostalgic form of a phonograph, the design seeks to transport the user back to the golden age of phonographs in early 1900s where sound broadcasting had a magical feel.

— www.yankodesign.com

PS3 GETS 80GB HARD DRIVE IN KO-REA: Sony has announced the launch of a version of its PlayStation 3 console with an 80GB hard disk drive (HDD) in South Korea. The company says that the PS3 console, which was launched last year, typically comes with a 60GB HDD. In some mar-kets, Sony offers a second version with 20GB drive, but as sales have

tipped in favor of the higher capacity model, the company is discontinuing the 20GB model. Satoshi f*ckuoka, a spokesman for Sony, said that though there is no concrete plan to sell the model in other markets, it could be an option depending on the needs of different regions.

— techtree.com

GIFTS FOR GRAD OR DAD: Editors at PCWorld.com have picked out the best gadgets to give your graduating senior or your dad for Father’s Day, which is June 17. Camera choices in-clude the Fujufi lm FinePiX F31fd and the Kodak EasyShare C743. As for mp3 players, the magazine suggests the CreAtive Zen V Plus or the iPod Nano. For the entire list, see www.pcworld.com./giftguides/dadsngrads07/index.html.

— pcworld.com

XBOX, WII EACH HAVE TWO IN TOP FIVE: The top fi ve video games and their platforms, according to ign.

com, are Grand Theft Auto IV for Xbox 360,

Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii, Grand Theft Auto IV for PlayStation 3, Halo

3 for Xbox 360 and Super Paper Mario for Wii.

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Imagine a digital world where you are represent-ed by an “avatar” that can look however you like.

People around the globe access the Internet and enter this virtual space. In this virtual world, they interact with other “residents” through instant messaging, attend events, visit dif-ferent locations built by residents, and basically do the things you do in real life.

As you interact with other residents, you can actually see the body movements and expres-sions of the person, who might choose to be a dinosaur or a lizard (something other than a person) in the virtual world.

This world is called Second Life, and it, along with other virtual worlds, is providing another media channel (immersive media) for marketers.

Let’s take Second Life as an example. Here a company can develop its own “island” — a piece of land in Second Life — into whatever they please. Dell Comput-ers, for example, has a store in Second Life

where you can buy a custom com-puter for your Second Life avatar to use in Second Life.

And when you build and buy your computer in the virtual world, there is an option for you to link out to Dell and buy the same computer in real life.

So why does a person create an account in a virtual world? Most people have enough going on in their real life that getting involved in a virtual second life can seem way too confusing. Well, the way the world interacts and commu-nicates is changing. Many people

“hang out” online. It is their social outlet. In the virtual world

“social communities” form and people fi nd friends — just like in the real world. However, the online world is much bigger — it is global.

So it’s only expected that marketers will continue to follow consumers into these virtual spaces.

David Cain is president of MediaSauce, a digital marketing com-pany in Carmel. David welcomes your com-ments at [emailprotected].

DISPATCHESMEET A NEW “UP AND COMING” LAWYER: Matthew E. Conrad of the law fi rm of Krieg DeVault LLP has been named an “Up and Com-ing Lawyer” by the Indiana Lawyer. The Up and Com-ing Lawyer Award recognizes lawyers who demonstrate achievement in law, involvement in the profession, and support of the community. Conrad concen-trates his practice in the areas of corporate transactions, economic development, corporate fi nance and real estate. He graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Finance and Accounting and Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington.

THOMPSON THRIFT WELCOMES C.T. VOYLES III: Thompson Thrift Development has hired C.T. Voyles III as a leasing and sales associ-ate. He will assist in all commer-cial leasing operations, including generation of leads and lease originations and renewals. Voyles holds a bachelor’s degree in com-munications from the University of Southern Indiana. Before joining Thompson Thrift, he worked as a New Home Counselor for Beazer Homes in Indianapolis.

CONTROL YOUR CREDIT CARD: Traveling overseas? Watch those international or foreign transac-tion fees. They’re charged as a percentage of your overall purchase price once that price is converted to U.S. dollars, accord-ing to IndexCreditCards.com, a credit-card news and comparison site. Visa and MasterCard charge a 1 percent processing fee on foreign transactions and then the bank that issued your card adds on its own fee, which can range from zero to 3 percent on aver-age. Before you travel, check your credit card terms and make sure retailers charge your card in the local currency, not dollars for the best exchange rate.

— Yahoo Finance

TOP SHOPS FOR NEW GRADS: Fortune teamed up with Experi-ence Inc. to fi nd companies that offer impressive perks to new hires just out of college - ranging from generous salaries to work-place fl exibility to serious growth opportunities. Here are a few: Lehman Brothers, Electronic Arts, Randstad, Rockwell Collins, Teach for America, Qualcomm, Key Bank, Intel, Microsoft, Hyatt Hotels, and Loreal USA.

— fortune

David CainOn Marketing

Dell’s virtual store


Symphony Bank President and CEO Jeffrey L. Hale has endowed a $25,000 scholarship to Purdue University’s College of Agriculture, from which Hale graduated in 1995.

The scholarship is reserved for a graduate student studying in the agricultural fi eld and will be matched dollar-for-dollar through a special scholarship program challenged by Indianapolis business and civic leader William E. Bindley and his wife, Mary Ann. Earlier this year, Hale received Purdue University’s prestigious Apex Award, in recognition of his accomplished career in banking.

“As a community bank president and Purdue alumnus, it is my duty and pleasure to give back to the university that helped me build the foundation for my career,” Hale said. “I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to recognize the efforts of young students and help them achieve their full potential.”

Last fall, Purdue University unveiled “The Campaign for Purdue,” a seven-year $1.3 billion fund. To date, the campaign has raised more than $600 million. As a participant in the campaign, the College of Agriculture hopes to attract the most talented students, augment graduate student support, and enhance the cultural diversity within the department.

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By John Pacilio, RE/MAX Ability Plus

• Type: Traditional• Age: Built in 2001• Location: 131st Street between Hazel Dell Parkway and River Avenue• Neighborhood: Stone Haven at Haverstick offers a pond, neighbor-hood pool, tennis and basketball courts and playground• Square footage: 3,229 (includes 1,032 in the basem*nt)• Rooms: This three bedroom, two and a half bath home has a spacious loft that could be converted into a fourth bedroom, offi ce or studio. • Strengths: This home is located on a great cul-de-sac lot. The deck over-looks a sizable back yard. The neigh-borhood has several perks including a short walk to Prairie View Elementary School, miles of walking/bike trails, pool, tennis, basketball, and play-ground and is close to two challeng-

ing public golf courses — Plum Creek and Prairie View.• Challenges: According to the Met-ropolitan Indianapolis Board of Real-tors, there are currently 102 active Carmel listings between $200K-250K. Over the past six month, approxi-mately 15 homes in this price range in Carmel have sold per month. Due to the high amount of listings, there is nearly 7 months of inventory in this price range.

John Pacilio and his team specialize in Carmel real estate with RE/MAX Ability Plus. Contact him at 216.8500 or [emailprotected].



How did you pay for college?

“I worked at Martin Marietta, which was American Aggregates, and at Kroger. I worked 32 to 40 hours a week carrying 15 credit hours.”

Bob Lyon, Carmel

“I received a loan from the bank.”

Eamomm Holohan, Ireland

“I used student loans to get enough money.”

Sgt. John Mcallister, Carmel

Business: Noble Roman’s and Tusca-no’s SubsLocation: 116th Street and Guilford RoadHours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Friday and SaturdayOpen since: November 2006Phone: 574.1010Other locations: 99th Street and Michigan Road, 131st Street and

Hazel Dell ParkwayWeb site: www.nobleromans.comSpecialty: Fresh baked pizzas and

Italian style subs cooked to order using fresh in-gredients. Other menu items consist of pasta, breadsticks and cheese dip, pizza stuffers, buffalo wings, tossed salads, 6-inch and 12-inch subs cold

or grilled, baked subs, wraps, deli spreads and sauces, soups and chips.Other services: Party pizzas, take out and delivery service and catering


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(317) 216-8500


[emailprotected]/MAX Ability Plus

Kent BurnsOn Success


Keith Ferrazzi wrote a great book called “Never Eat Alone,” which I

recommend to people all the time. Given that it’s graduation season, here are three important secrets to success in real life that they didn’t teach you in school, courtesy of Keith.

1 - You can’t get there alone. Start strengthening your relation-ships now, before you really need them later.

In the classroom it was mostly about your individual perfor-mance. But even if you graduated summa cum laude from the Ivy League, success in real life will require relationships. Who you know determines how effectively you can apply what you know.

This is a perfect time to send an e-mail to everyone whom you and your family know to update them on your accomplishments, what your goals are for the future, and what kind of help you could use.

2 - There’s more than one valedictorian in real life. You’ll succeed by helping others succeed, too. In school, everyone’s striving for the same honor. But with so many different paths available in real life, you’ll get further

by helping others achieve their dreams, too, rather than trying to outdo them.

If you’re starting college, look for ways to help your classmates succeed in your new surround-ings. Form study groups. Share your research on potential career paths. If you’re starting your fi rst job, maybe you could help your new boss’ child with college admissions advice.

3 - Advisers will not be as-signed to you. You should actively seek your own mentors.

Colleges provide an academic adviser from the time you are on

campus. However, once you step off campus, it’s your responsibility to fi nd the guidance you need. Start connecting with people you respect who can help you get a leg up in each aspect of your life, personal and professional. Make it as easy and convenient as possible for them to talk with you, and always look for ways to contribute to their success, too.

Kent Burns is a Carmel resident and partner at MRINETWORK, the nation’s largest staffi ng fi rm. He is also a professional speaker and author of “What’s Your Why?” His blog is www.thewhybook.com/blogs and he can be reached at [emailprotected]

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Iva Luella Smith, 93, Noblesville, passed away May 24, 2007, in Mesa, Ariz., after a short illness. Mrs. Smith was the youngest of 13 children born to Hayden Lewis Kirby and Atha Serilda Harvey Kirby in Noblesville, where she was one of the last surviving graduates of Hazeldale School. She married Claude Franklin Smith. They lived, farmed and raised a wonderful family in Carmel until Claude’s health took them to Mesa, Arizona where he preceded her in death in June, 1974. She was also preceded in death by twelve siblings and a daughter. Mrs. Smith is survived by her sons Donald and Phillip; daughter Judith; her five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends and family gathered on May 31 at Leppert Mortuary, Smith Carmel Chapel.

birThSClarian North Medical Center

May 16girl — Thorne, Patrick, Jr. and Michele

St. Vincent CarmelMay 18boy — Leptich, Matthew and Elizabethgirls — Easton, Eric and Jessica; McBride, MichelleMay 19boy — Woodburn, Thomas and Terrianngirls — Shields, Travis and Sanders, Sarah; Nieman, Jason and AnnMay 20 twin boys — Benge, James and

Roddie Shannon boy — Lindsey, William and Moyer, Victoria girls — Fraizer, Jason and Anne-MarieMay 21boy — Overton, Matthew and Juliegirl — McHolland, Jeffrey and AshleyMay 22girl — Neal, David and Stephanietriplets (2 boys and 1 girl) — Weddige, Christopher and Sarah May 23boy — Wulff, Brian and NancyMay 24boys — Kinkbeiner, Robert and Graham, Kristi; Solano, Juan and Na; Kinnett, Jeremy and Amy; Novak, Thomas and Kelly girls — Cumberledge, John and Darlatwin girls — Colescott, Brent and Aubri


May 23 11:54 a.m., Harassment, 5402 Baltimore Ct. 1:20 p.m., Damage to property, 3 Civic Sq.

2:08 p.m., Theft, W. Main St. / N. Range Line Rd. 2:08 p.m., Theft, W. Main St. / N. Range Line Rd.May 24 2:09 a.m., Accident with property damage, 201 W. Carmel Dr. 6:17 a.m., Theft, 10290 N. Meridian St. 6:32 a.m., Theft, 251 Pennsylvania Pky. 6:35 a.m., Theft, 11355 N. Meridian St. 6:42 a.m., Theft, 10201 N. Meridian St. 7:42 a.m., Theft, 10290 N. Meridian St.10:05 a.m., Theft, 10330 N. Meridian St. 1:15 p.m., Theft, 3 Civic Sq. 1:56 p.m., Theft, 38 W. Main St. 2:17 p.m., Robbery, 2805 E. 96th St. 4:14 p.m., Harassment, 1732 E. 116th St. 5:04 p.m., Harassment, 3 Civic Sq. 7:24 p.m., Theft, 131 4th St. NW. 7:48 p.m., Theft, 10404 Orchard Park Dr. S. 10:23 p.m., Domestic, 14208 Hazel Dell Pky.May 25 9:46 a.m., Theft, 10290 N. Meridian St. 7:20 a.m., Suspicious Activity, 11685 Bradford Pl. 9:46 a.m., Theft, 10290 N. Meridian St. 12:18 p.m., Theft, 3 Civic Sq. 1:35 p.m., Theft, 503 E. 114th St. 1:44 p.m., Theft, 3 Civic Sq.8:42 p.m., Theft, 11892 Esty Way10:33 p.m., Theft, 1424 W. Carmel Dr. 11:37 p.m., Civil dispute, 1143

Mohawk Hills Dr.May 262:40 a.m., Prowler, 665 Beaverbrook Dr. 6:32 a.m., Theft, 14402 Misty Pine Ct. 12:17 p.m., Domestic, 199 Amys Run Ct. 12:09 p.m., Civil dispute, 3 Civic Sq. 1:20 p.m., Theft, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd. 2:57 p.m., Domestic, 13450 Spicebush Ct. 3:30 p.m., Theft, 1562 Old Mill Cir. 4:25 p.m., Traffic hazard, E. 116th St. / Hazel Dell Pky. 4:28 p.m., Theft, 1230 S. Range Line Rd. 6:28 p.m., Theft, 221 John St. 8:47 p.m., Domestic, 1030 Woodridge Ct. 9:27 p.m., Domestic, 11832 Westwood Dr.May 27 2:54 a.m., Domestic, 3550 E 98th St. 3:38 p.m., Civil dispute, 3550 E. 98th St. 8:28 p.m., Domestic, 1121 Golfview Dr. 10:19 p.m., Theft, 1113 Golfview Dr.May 28 3:49 a.m., Fire Department fire residence, 741 Oswego Rd. 12:13 p.m., Mental person, 12496 Springbrooke Run 1:41 p.m., Theft, 3210 E. 96th St. 4:02 p.m., Theft, 13215 Mattock Chase 4:53 p.m., Domestic, 101 Village Green Ln. 4:57 p.m., Theft, 1424 W. Carmel Dr. 8:12 p.m., Burglary, 5883 William Conner Way 9:15 p.m., Domestic, 616

Ransburg Dr. S.May 29 9:28 a.m., Harassment, 5402 Baltimore Ct. 11:01 a.m., Harassment, 1283 Linden Ln. 11:05 a.m., Theft, 210 Lexington Blvd. 11:13 a.m., Theft, 3 Civic Sq. 12:11 p.m., Theft, 4683 Grand Haven Ln 2:20 p.m., Theft, 1720 W. 131st St. 2:54 p.m., Theft, 3210 E. 96th St. 4:39 p.m., Domestic, 604 Mohawk Ct. 6:10 p.m., Theft, 13672 Autumn Lake Overlook 6:42 p.m., Theft, 5289 Jefferson Roundabout. 7:03 p.m., Disturbance, 13830 Painter Ct. 7:26 p.m., Theft, 426 Baytree Ct. 8:29 p.m., Disturbance, 1 E. Carmel Dr.May 3010:21:13 a.m., Theft, 3 Civic Sq. 11:55:53 a.m., Theft, 520 E. Main St. 12:03:55 p.m., Burglary, 228 Hawthorne Dr. 5:25:22 p.m., Harassment, 420 1st Ave. NE. 8:36:48 p.m., Domestic, 133 Pineview Dr. 9:19:07 p.m., Disturbance, 9639 Maple Dr. 10:08:58 p.m., Civil dispute, 1230 S. Range Line Rd.


3225 Whispering Pines Ln., residential single family dwelling, $616,000 12463 Pebble Knoll Way, residential addition-room,

$116,000 2722 N Heathermoor Park Dr., residential single family dwelling, $240,000 10581 Titan Run, residential swimming pool, $49,000 2439 Laurel Lakes Blvd., residential remodel, $34,000 1980 E. 116th St. # 240, massage therapist permit, $0 3058 Towne Dr., residential addition-room, $197,142 755 W. Carmel Dr. #101, commercial tenant finish, $130,000 3189 Whispering Pines Ln., residential single family dwelling, $450,000 10477 Roxley Bnd, residential single family dwelling, $800,000 12525 Old Meridian St. #100, commercial tenant finish, $115,000 765 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $209,000 771 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $209,000 777 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $199,000 783 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $209,000 789 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $202,000 795 Greenford Trail N., residential townhome, $202,000 13712 Cunningham Dr., residential single family dwelling, $182,288 3803 E. 116th St., residential accessory structure, $3,800 Kingsborough Subd. Entry, electrical permit/inspection, $0 Old Meridian & Carmel Dr., electrical permit/inspection, $0 12606 Bull Ct., residential single family dwelling, $985,000 2543 Murphy Cir N., residential single family dwelling, $223,500 3849 Verdure Ln., residential porch addition, $18,000 13590-B N. Meridian St. #201, commercial tenant finish, $95,000

We want your news!Current in Carmel is happy to publish news of wedding, engage-ment and anniversary celebrations. Send in-formation and photos to [emailprotected]




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Dazzles Salon and laser Center Now hiring a full time hair stylist call Kim young for info and details at 595.6525

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ACHEDISPATCHESSPLENDID T-SHIRT: T-shirts may be a dime a dozen, but that didn’t stop Splendid founder and lawyer-by-training Moise Emquies from trying to come up with an innovative twist to the wardrobe staple. By starting with the yarn, and after 10 years of trial and er-ror, Emquies hit upon the Splendid solution — an even mix of Supima cotton and micro Modal, a buttery rayon that drinks in dyes for a rich look. This season, he debuts Splendid Girls, for tweens who can’t wait to grow up to wear his T’s.

— Time-Style & Design

FLYING HIGH: When it comes to versatility, wrap dresses are our

go-to outfit. They’re tai-lored enough for a Friday at the office, flirty enough for a weekend brunch, and just revealing enough for a night on the town. Pigeon Passenger’s Nora Wrap Dress does

double duty — it’s reversible! Plus, the Canadian company uses organic cotton and hemp that’s harvested and manufactured with-out using pesticides or sweatshop labor. Look good. Feel good. On every occasion. Visit PassengerPi-geon.ca for more information.

— www.ivillage.com

BUILDING BETTER CALVES: Re-member that “Entourage” episode where Johnny Drama ponders getting implants to enhance his scrawny calves? Turns out that plotline may not have been so absurd: According to a new study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, calf augmentation is now the second-fastest-growing form of male cosmetic surgery. Here are the top five male procedures, ranked by increase in popularity between 2005 and 2006. 1. Pectoral implants: Up 99 percent. 2. Calf augmentation: Up 49 percent. 3. Thigh-lifts: Up 39 percent. 4. Face-lifts: Up 25 percent. 5. Breast reduction: Up 22 percent.

— men.style.com

Vicky EarleyDecor


One solution to living with the possibility of spills and stains is to decorate

around them! A tomato colored rug is the perfect answer to a fam-ily with a 4-year-old who partakes of ketchup with every meal, while ivory upholstery is fabulous for the home with a white cat.

Unfortunately, not all cleaning needs can be anticipated quite so easily. For the situations that require major and immediate cleaning intervention, the follow-ing cleaning codes can help prevent damage beyond the initial stain.

Code “S” Care MethodTo prevent overall soil, frequent vacuuming

or light brushing to remove dust and grime is recommended. Spot-clean using a mild, water-free solvent or dry-cleaning product. Clean only in a well ventilated room and avoid any product containing carbon tetrachloride (highly toxic). Pre-test small area before pro-ceeding. Cleaning by a professional furniture cleaning service only is recommended.

Code “W” Care MethodUse water-base upholstery cleaner only.Code “WS” Care MethodOnce again, to prevent overall soil, fre-

quent vacuuming or light brushing to remove

dust and grime is recommended. Spot clean, with a mild solvent, an up-holstery shampoo, or the foam from a mild detergent. When using a sol-vent or dry-cleaning product, follow instructions care-fully and clean only in a well ventilated room. With either method, pretest a small area before proceeding. Use

a professional furniture cleaning service when an overall soiled condition has been reached

Code “XS” Care MethodClean this fabric only by vacuuming or light

brushing to prevent accumulation of dust or grime. Water-based foam cleaners or solvent-based cleaning agents of any kind may cause excessive shrinking, staining or distortion of the surface pile and should not be used. A word of caution on cleaning: never remove cushion covers or arm caps for separate cleaning. It may destroy the backing or cause shrinking and color changes.

Code “SW” Care MethodSpot clean with upholstery shampoo, foam

from a mild detergent, or mild dry-clean-ing solvent. Pre-test a small, inconspicuous

area before proceeding. Do not saturate. Pile fabrics may require brushing with a non-metal-lic, stiff bristle brush to restore appearance. Hot water extraction or steam cleaning is not a recommended cleaning method. Cushion casings should not be removed and laundered or dry-cleaned. To prevent overall soiling, vacuum frequently or brush lightly with a non-metallic, stiff bristle brush from the outside to the middle of affected area to prevent circling. Use a professional when overall soiled condi-tion has been reached. When cleaning a spill, blot immediately.

Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs located in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact [emailprotected].


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e 5,



By Barbara E. Cohen

Some artists focus on complex visual symbolism or political metaphors; others explore three-dimensional form through their work. For Hamilton County artist Gayla Hodson, color is the key to her watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings.

“When I’m painting, I’m just having fun,” Hodson said. “As Willem de Kooning said to Paul McCartney about his work, ‘Leave it to the viewer to decide what the painting is about.’ ”

This is not to say that viewers won’t fi nd deeper meaning in Hodson’s cheerful works. But she’s trying to express how she feels rather than what she sees in her large canvases of fl owers, sunshine and abstract cityscapes.

“There’s so much darkness in the world,” she said. “I feel like there’s a real need to get people to be happy. I want people to walk past one of my works and smile.”

Her work is reminiscent of that by the Fauves, an early 20th-century French group of artists who emphasized the use of bold, arbitrary and expressive colors. Think of Henri Matisse, an artist freed from the confi nes of replicating “real” colors found in nature,

and you have a sense of Hodson’s use of color as an independent expres-sive element.

Hodson, who was an art teacher before becoming a full-time painter, credits a number of 20th-century artists as major infl uences. Vincent van Gogh layered his paints with a palette knife, as Hodson use succes-sive layers of color in her artwork. Jackson Pollack

incorporated gesture in his action paintings, though Hodson feels her gestures are more controlled. Georgia O’Keeffe taught her to look at the natural world up close. Hodson’s drip lines refl ect Dale Chihuly’s “drawings,” which he creates by squeezing paint straight from tubes onto paper laid on the fl oor. Hodson uses plastic ketchup bottles to create thinner lines, but her canvases show the same spontaneity.

Hodson agrees with Hans Hofmann, who said, “The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of color.”

The force of color can be a call to action, as it was for a recent client. After the Broad Ripple Art Fair in May, Hodson heard from a

customer that the painting Hodson had sold her sparked her to re-decorate her kitchen.

Color your world. About a dozen of Hodson’s latest and largest oil and acrylic work on can-vas will be on display through Aug. 1 at the Café Patachou at River Crossing (8691 River Crossing Blvd., Indianapolis).

For more information, contact the artist at 402.6693 or visit www.gaylahodson.com.

Barbara E. Cohen is a freelance writer who covers the arts for Current in Carmel and teaches art ap-preciation at the Carmel campus of Ivy Tech Com-munity College. You can reach her at [emailprotected].

local artist can color your world

Gayla Hodson in her studio


PICK OF THE WEEKWhat: Talbot Street Art FairWhen: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday Details: The Talbot Street Art Fair, in the Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood, turns 52 this year. There’s no admission charge to wander the booths of 260 artisans set up between 16th and 19th streets and Pennsylvania and Delaware Streets in Indianapolis.The juried-entry fair is a far cry from early productions, originally established as a venue for students at Herron School of Art. This year’s fair has drawn artists from Indiana and the East and West coasts, with about 30 percent new artists (including Carmel master jeweler Mark Grosser) participating.Info: www.talbotstreet.org

“Where Does Your Garden Grow?”

Photo by Barbara Cohen


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June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (23)

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DISPATCHES‘NUNSENSE’ OPENS FRIDAY: The Carmel Community Players’ production of “Nunsense: The Musical” opens Friday at Clay Middle School, 5150 E. 126th St. Performances are at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. Sundays through June 24. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for students, children and seniors. For information and reservations, call 815.9387 or go to www.carmel-players.org/.

GRILLIN’ FOR A GOOD CAUSE: Learn tips on grilling and how to pair wine with food at a fund-raiser for Habitat for Humanity of Hamilton County. Celebrity chef George Hirsch will be on hand at 6 p.m. June 14 at the Bridgewater Club, 3535 E. 161st St. Tickets are $150 a person or $250 per couple. Space is limited, so call your res-ervations in soon to 896.9423. On the Web: www.hfhhc.org/events.html.

‘SEE’ THE SIGHTS IN ITALY: Am-bassadair will host a free travel-ogue on Rome and Tuscany from 7 to 9 p.m. June 14 in the confer-ence room at Meridian Tower, 201 W. 103rd St. Carol Greenawald will host. Attendance is free, but space is limited. To reserve a seat, call Ambassadair reservations at 581.1122.

LIBRARY SCREENS FERRELL COM-EDY: The Carmel-Clay Public Library will present “Stranger Than Fiction” at 7 p.m. June 15. Kay Eiffel (Emma Thompson) is struggling to complete her lat-est book. Her main character Harold Crick (Will Ferrell) turns out to be a real person who starts to hear Kay’s narration in his head. Can Harold convince Kay not to kill off her main character? Free tickets for this event are available at the Audiovisual Desk. This fi lm is rated PG-13 and will be screened in the Program Room.

Sale of PAINTED VIOLINS will help symphonyThe Painted Violins of the Carmel Sym-

phony Orchestra were unveiled on May 30 at a luncheon of the Carmel Symphony Orchestra League held at the Bridgewater Club.

A dozen local artists donated their time to decorate violins that will be auctioned off at the league’s gala fund-raising dinner on Sept. 28.

Julie Houck, an impressionist painter from Carmel, included an image of her daughter playing the violin in “Playing for the Bunnies.”

Cathy Kravitz, a Carmel-based artist who works in clay and paints on a variety of sur-faces, covered her violin, “On a Brighter Note,” with tropical fl owers and checkerboards.

For more information about the Carmel Symphony, go to www.carmelsymphony.org.

— Story and Photos by Barbara Cohen

“Playing for the Bunnies” “On a Brighter Note”

Dinner HoursTues - Sat : 5 - 9PM

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June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (24)














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Kevin “Woody” Rider


Ingredients:• 1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs• 1/4 cup chopped onion• 1/4 cup water• 2 tablespoon sugar• 1 tablespoon soy sauce• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger• 1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef• 6 hamburger buns, split and toasted• 1 small sliced cucumbers (optional)• 4 lettuce leaves (optional)

Directions: Stir together the soft bread crumbs, onion, water, sugar, soy sauce, garlic, and ground ginger in a large mix-

ing bowl. Add the ground beef and mix well. Shape the meat mixture into six three-quarter-inch-thick patties.

For a charcoal grill, place patties on the grill rack directly over medium coals. Grill, uncovered, for 15 to 18 min-utes or until an instant-read thermom-eter inserted into the side of a patty registers 160 degrees F, turning once

For a gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Place patties on the grill rack; cover and grill as above.

Serve burgers in buns topped, if desired, with sliced cucumbers and let-tuce. Makes 6 servings.

— from msn.com


RADIOACTIVE LONG ISLAND ICED TEAIngredients:• 1 ounce rum • 1 ounce vodka • 1 ounce tequila • 1 ounce gin

• 1 ounce triple sec • 1 ounce Chambord raspberry liqueur • 1 ounce Midori melon liqueur • 1 ounce Malibu rum

Mixing instructions: Pour all ingredients over ice in a very tall glass. Sip cautiously.

— webtender.com

Charles Braswell,manager at the Mellow Mushroom

Where do you eat?Eddie Merlots

Why?They have a great steak and a really good wine list.

What’s your favorite dish?Chicken Merlot

Eddie Merlots3645 E. 96th St., Indianapolis 846-8303www.eddiemerlots.com

Hours: Lounge opens at 4 p.m., Restaurant open at 5 p.m. daily.Restaurant opens at noon on holidays, call for availability.



a fan of barbecue, you’re going to love Big Hoffa’s, which is located in front of the Westfi eld Antique Mall on S.R. 32 (you’ll notice the smoker out front). Owner Adam Hoffman (aka Big Hoffa) has created a unique fl avor to his food by slow-cook-ing the meats; up to 24 hours for the brisket, for example. The beef brisket is tender and fl avorful, and the pulled pork is fantastic. The BBQ sauce is sweet and really adds to the taste sensation. The fries are out of this world and have no trans fats, so enjoy. In addition to sandwiches, Big Hoffa’s offers ribs and an assortment of sides, including California Cay-enne potato salad, crispy California Cole slaw, brown sugar baked beans, macaroni and cheese and garlic but-ter rolls. Catering also is available.

Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, noon to 8 p.m. Sunday, closed Mondays

Big Hoffa’s800 E. Main St., Westfi eld, in front of the Westfi eld Antique Mall on S.R. 32. 867-0077. www.bighoffas.com

You’ll love these hearty burgers with an Asian fl avor.




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June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (25)

ComedyChristian FinneganDate: Wednesday. Location: Crackers, 6281 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. Time: 8:30 p.m. Price: $10 regular, $15 preferred. Restrictions: 18 and older. Phone: 255.4211. Web: www.crackersomedy.com.

Dan St. PaulDate: Wednesday. Location: Crackers Downtown, 247 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Time: 8:30 p.m. Price: $8 regular, $10 preferred. Restrictions: 18 and older. Phone: 631.3536.

Comedy SportzFriday Nite Late Presents: $5 Improv Jam. Date: Fridays. Location: 721 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis. Time: Doors open 9:30 p.m., performance begins at 10 p.m. Price: $5.

Restriction: 17 years and older. Phone: 951.8499. Web: www.indycomedysportz.com.

MusicHot Shotz Ale & GrillDate: Saturdays. Location: 4705 E. 96th St., Indianapolis. Time: 9 to midnight. Call for band information. Phone: 818.9510 Web: www.hotshotzgrill.com.

Majors Sports CaféDate: 7 to 10 p.m. Thurs., 8 to midnight Sat. Location: 2293 E. 116th St. Call for band information. Phone: 566.8482. www.majorssportscafe.com

Mickey’s Irish PubDane Clark — Friday; The Flying Toasters — Saturday. Location: 13644 N. Meridian St. Phone: 573.9746. Web: www.mickeysirishpub.com.

Page McConnell Date: Sunday. Location: The Vogue, 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. Price: $27.50 advance, $30 day of show. Restrictions: 21 and older. Time: Doors open at 7 p.m., show begins at 8 p.m. Phone: 259.7029. Web: www.thevogue.ws.

1964: The TributeBeatles tribute. Dates: Monday and Tuesday. Location: 9301 Michigan Road, Indianapolis. Price: $49. Time: 8 p.m. Phone: 872.9664. Web: www.beefandboards.com.

Midcoast Swing Orchestra Date: Wednesday. Location: Jazz Kitchen, 5377 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. Price: $10. Time: 7 to 10 p.m. Web: www.thejazzkitchen.com. Phone: 253.4900.

Jazz Squared, featuring Tad Robinson BandDate: Friday. Time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Location: Noblesville Historic Square, 942 Maple Ave., Noblesville. Phone: 776.0205. Web: www.noblesville.com.

DanceIndy Dancers DanceDate: Tuesday, June 12. Location: 8 Seconds Saloon, 111 N. Lynhurst, Indianapolis. Time: 7 to 10:30 p.m. Dance a variety of social dances to DJ music. Price: Members $5, nonmembers $10. Phone: 767.5665. Web: www.indydancers.com.



Tuesday, June 5, 200

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1964: The Tribute


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June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (26)
















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Water all you care to with your fancy garden hose and ergonomically cor-rect attachments and still the prized pots of annu-

als and newly planted hydrangeas struggle to shine. Yet, all it takes is a simple downpour of God’s rain and everything blooms and is washed clean. Refreshed and full of life. Teeming with vigor and prepared for the next

stretch of drought. Plants, too.

Try as we might, we just can’t compete.

Here are a few watering strategies that will favor your plants:

• Pots and hang-ing baskets demand a daily drink and sometimes two. Be certain to include the slow release water gelling agents in the soil amendment.

• Have you just installed sod or grass seed in an area? If so, daily watering is critical, particularly with seed. If the soil becomes dry,

even once, likely your previous efforts have been wasted. Be especially diligent if it’s a full sun area and/or on a slope. TIP: Set up hose sprinklers with a timer.

• Landscapes planted this year, and even last summer or fall, require TLC. Properly planted and well-mulched trees, shrubs and perennials prefer watering two to three times a week. For trees, set the hose at the base of the tree on a sloooow trickle for 20 minutes so the entire root ball becomes soaked. Shrubs

and perennials appreciate their drink at the base of the plant with an extension wand on the gentle rain setting so that the root systems aren’t damaged with pounding water. Ten to 20 seconds per plant will do. The larger the root ball, the longer the watering cycle. Smaller root balls dry out quickly and require greater frequency. Cycle through the plants a second time.

Just like people and families, some plants require a little extra love and attention. Dog-

woods, hydrangea, rhododendrons, azaleas and one- to two-gallon container perennials have vulnerable root systems. Healthy roots are the foundation.

Feeling a little dehydrated? Need some moisture? Pray for rain.

Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel design, landscape and remodeling fi rm. He may be reached at 679.2565 or at [emailprotected].

Randy SorrellOutdoors

your plants want (rain) water

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June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (27)


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Use logic to fill in the boxes so every row, columnand 2 x 3 box contains the letters C-A-R-M-E-L.Answer below.


Answers to ALPHABETICALLY SPEAKING: 1) ACRID; 2) BELOW; 3) ENTICE; 4) RITZY; 5) WHIZ; 6) WOKAnswers to CARMEL WORDSMITH CHALLENGE: Among the common words in “Carmel Clay” are: caramel, clearly, caller, calmer, calmly, camera, cellar, creamy, cycler, lamely, really, recall, alarm, allay, alley, calla, camel, clear, cream, cycle, early, lacer, lamer, layer, llama, macer, mealy, mecca, mercy, rally, realm, relayAnswers to HOOSIER HODGEPODGE: Colleges: Tri-state, Wabash, DePauw, Earlham, Purdue, Evansville; Watches: Rolex, Timex, Seiko, Fossil, Casio; Fast Food: Taco Bell, McDonald’s, KFC, Arby’s; Airports: Newark, LaGuardia, Kennedy; TVs: RCA, Sony; Star: Henderson


Tuesday, June 5, 200

7 ww



Puzzles by Sanchez J. [emailprotected]

June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (28)

Asthma is the leading cause of school absences and pediatric hospital stays. It can be difficult to recognize because asthmatic children may be able to breathe normally most of the time. But respiratory problems, like coughing during exercise, can be a sign your child may be asthmatic. Take the following quiz to find out if your child might have undiagnosed asthma:

1. Does your child have colds that last an unusually long time or go to their chest?

yes no

2. Does your child cough themselves out of sleep when they have colds?yes no

3. Does your child cough hard enough to interrupt them when exercising?yes no

4. Has your child had pneumonia more than twice?yes no

5. Have you ever heard your child wheeze?yes no

6. Has your child ever been treated for eczema?yes no

7. Is there a family history of asthma (biological mother or father)?yes no

8. Does your child have a runny nose all the time, even without a cold? yes no

If you answered yes to two or more questions, talk to your pediatrician about your child’s symptoms. Find out more about asthma symptoms and treatments by visiting clariannorth.com.

Coughingduring exercise can signal more than a cold.

June 5, 2007 - [PDF Document] (2024)


How long do dead zones last? ›

A new study in the March 23 issue of Science now estimates that even if the nitrogen runoff was completely eliminated, it would still take at least 30 years for the dead zone to recover. Nitrogen runoff from agriculture around the Mississippi Basin has been steadily draining into the Gulf of Mexico for decades.

What is the primary cause of the lifeless zones around ocean coastlines? ›

There are many physical, chemical, and biological factors that combine to create dead zones, but nutrient pollution is the primary cause of those zones created by humans.

What is a significant cause of dead zones? ›

Dead zones are generally caused by significant nutrient pollution, and are primarily a problem for bays, lakes and coastal waters since they receive excess nutrients from upstream sources. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus cause an overgrowth of algae in a short period of time, also called algae blooms.

Where are dead zones more likely to develop? ›

The majority of the world's dead zones are located along the eastern coast of the United States, and the coastlines of the Baltic States, Japan, and the Korean Peninsula. As a result of the dramatic increase in dead zones, scientists have categorized coastal systems experiencing any symptoms of eutrophication.

How to solve dead zones? ›

The key to reducing the size and number of low-oxygen dead zones in coastal waters is to reduce the input of nutrients into estuaries and the coastal ocean. Nutrient-reduction strategies are a key part of efforts to restore the health of Chesapeake Bay.

Are dead zones toxic? ›

Dead zones are not a direct threat to humans, but they are extremely harmful to fish, crabs, oysters, and other aquatic animals that humans rely on for seafood and livelihoods.

What is the largest dead zone in the world? ›

The largest dead zone in the world lies in the Arabian Sea, covering almost the entire 63,700-square mile Gulf of Oman. The second largest sits in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States, averaging almost 6,000 square miles in size.

How deep is the dead zone? ›

The terrain also ends at around that depth and you can acyually swim underneath everything. Ghost leviathans, if you can outrun them, stop following you when you reach the bottom of the land mass, which is 3000 meters.

Why are dead zones getting worse? ›

It was the largest ever recorded. Why are dead zones larger today and what's causing this? It's all about human activity. The culprit is runoff of polluted water that's carrying tons of excess nutrients from agriculture and developed land from our interior waterways out to the ocean.

Do dead zones affect climate change? ›

Summary: The increased frequency and intensity of oxygen-deprived "dead zones" along the world's coasts can negatively impact environmental conditions in far more than local waters.

Are dead zones caused by human impact? ›

Dead zones are caused by excessive nitrogen and phosphorous pollution from human activities, including: Agricultural runoff from farmland that carries nutrients from fertilizers and animal manure into rivers and streams, eventually flowing into the Chesapeake Bay.

Does fertilizer cause dead zones? ›

Dead zones begin to form when excess nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, enter coastal waters and help fertilize blooms of algae. Major nutrient sources include fertilizers, wastewater, and the burning of fossil fuels.

How long can you stay in the dead zone? ›

"People are advised not to stay in the death zone for more than 16 to 20 hours", media said; Shorter stays can also be deadly.

Can a dead zone recover? ›

Hypoxic waters in the Black Sea, the Hudson River, and San Francisco Bay are among a small number of dead zones that have started to bounce back. Restoring oxygen-depleted areas to the thriving ecosystems they once were by tackling root causes such as agricultural runoff is not only possible but also imperative.

Are dead zones long term or short term? ›

The ocean isn't getting enough of it. And this lack of oxygen is leading to a chronic condition called hypoxia. Areas in the ocean that experience these hypoxic conditions over long periods of time are often referred to as “dead zones,” for reasons that will become very clear later in this episode.

Can anything survive in a dead zone? ›

A dead zone is an area that has little or no oxygen and cannot support marine life.


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.