Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (2024)

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Easy pizza dough recipe, for the best ever homemade pizza! Make a big batch to keep in your fridge or freezer. Just 6 simple ingredients! INGREDIENTS FOR HOMEMADE PIZZA DOUGH HOW TO MAKE PIZZA DOUGH HOW MANY PIZZAS WILL THIS RECIPE MAKE? HOW TO SHAPE PIZZA DOUGH HOW TO BAKE HOMEMADE PIZZA CAN ADD-INS BE MIXED INTO THIS DOUGH? TROUBLESHOOTING: MY DOUGH DIDN’T RISE. WHY? HOW LONG WILL DOUGH LAST IN THE FRIDGE OR FREEZER? CAN THIS RECIPE BE SCALED UP OR DOWN? A FEW MORE OF MY BEST YEAST DOUGH RECIPES: Pizza Dough Recipe Ingredients Instructions Notes FREE BONUS 5 Secrets for Baking Impossibly Soft Cookies Leave a Reply 52 commentsComment navigationOlder Comments Cary — March 3, 2024 @ 1:40 pm Reply This is an incredible thin crust recipe! Have made multiple times. By far the best I have tried. Thanks, Cary Allie {Baking A Moment} — March 4, 2024 @ 3:00 pm Reply My pleasure Cary! Thank you for the 5-star review! Dev — September 1, 2023 @ 8:59 pm Reply This was delicious! Nice and somewhat chewy, instead of fluffy, which is hard to come by with homemade pizzas. Would be nice to include the temp to cook the pizza in the recipe 😉Thanks for a delicious crust recipe! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 6, 2023 @ 11:07 am Reply Hey Dev! So happy you like it! I typically just bake it at the highest temperature possible. On my oven, that’s 500 degrees F but every oven is different! And sometimes I use the outdoor gas grill which can get up around 800 I believe. Really gets that flavorful char on there! 4 point inspection — August 8, 2023 @ 4:40 am Reply Last night, inspired by this post, I held an impromptu pizza night with my kids. We tried your dough recipe and were blown away! Not only was it easy to follow, but the results were the best homemade pizzas we’ve ever had – crispy on the outside and so delightfully chewy inside. Memories were made, thanks to you! Allie {Baking A Moment} — August 8, 2023 @ 4:13 pm Reply Oh that’s wonderful! You’ve made my whole day. Thank you so much for sharing! Kris — January 20, 2023 @ 3:02 pm Reply Question! I love margharita pizzas. How do I work with the tomatoes to NOT get all watery and make the pizza soggy?Thanks Allie {Baking A Moment} — January 21, 2023 @ 2:10 pm Reply I’d suggest crushing the tomatoes with clean hands and then draining away some of the excess liquid. Good luck I hope this is helpful! Comment navigationOlder Comments Comment navigation Comment navigation FAQs References

Easy pizza dough recipe, for the best ever homemade pizza! Make a big batch to keep in your fridge or freezer. Just 6 simple ingredients!

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (1)

Who wants some pizza?!

With everything that’s been going on lately, my family has been doing homemade pizza more and more. Like so many others I see on social media, we’ve really been getting in touch with our inner bread makers!

Over the weekend, my older son made soft Italian breadsticks + homemade pesto, and I think this soft pretzel recipe might be next on the list! Or maybe another batch of crusty French baguettes, they’re so good with a hearty bowl of soup… There are just so many amazing yeast bread recipes to choose from!

But truly, nothing beats pizza night at our house. My whole family loves it- they get to pick their own toppings, really get creative, and make it their own.

Before we can do any of that though, we need a really great pizza dough recipe.

I’ve been making this one for years. It’s a very easy recipe so it’s perfect for beginners. You only need a few simple ingredients, and it’s so quick to make.

It bakes up toasty and crisp on the bottom, with a really great balanced flavor and a chewy texture that’s so satisfying.

You can make it as thick or as thin as you like, and best of all, it can be made ahead and stored in the fridge or freezer, so you can have homemade pizza any time the craving strikes!

This is an information-packed post, and it’s quite lengthy, so if you don’t care about all the nitty-gritty details, just click the “Jump to Recipe” button at the top of the post. It will take you straight to the recipe card.

Or, read on for everything you ever wanted to know about the best pizza crust recipe out there!

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (2)


This easy pizza dough recipe has just 6 basic ingredients:

  1. Water
  2. Sugar
  3. Yeast
  4. Flour
  5. Olive Oil
  6. Salt

Let’s talk a little about each of them, so you have an understanding of the parts they play and how best to use them.


The purpose of the water is for moisture (obviously) but also to hydrate the yeast.

It’s really important that your water is warm but not hot. You want the water to be just barely warm to the touch. If you have a thermometer, shoot for 100 to 110 degrees F. If not, that’s ok, just aim for the temperature of a baby’s bath.

Be really careful the water’s not too hot or it can kill the yeast, and then your dough won’t rise.


This is to feed the yeast. If you don’t want to use sugar you could replace it with honey. (I think this is especially yummy in whole wheat pizza dough!)

It is possible to leave the sugar out entirely, but I like to include it not only for the yeast but also for flavor and for browning. Sugar will caramelize as it cooks, giving you a lovely brown color and toasty flavor.

The end result is not sweet (because it’s such a small amount of sugar) but it just tastes balanced and flavorful.


Yeast is a living thing. It eats and digests and then burps out carbon dioxide gas. (Sorry, it sounds a little rude but that’s what’s happening!)

That carbon dioxide gas is what leavens the dough. Little bubbles get trapped inside and when you bake it, you have a light, airy result. If you didn’t use yeast then you’d basically have a flat, crunchy cracker.

Be sure to check the expiration date on your yeast before you begin. There is a limited shelf life for yeast, and once it’s past it’s prime, it’s dead and it will no longer work properly.

I use active dry yeast for pretty much anything I bake. Other options include instant yeast, fresh yeast, or sourdough starter.

Here’s some useful on how to substitute for active dry yeast:

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (3)


Flour is the main component in this pizza dough recipe. There’s more flour in this recipe than anything else. It’s the bulk of the dough and it provides the structure.

You can get fancy with flour or keep it simple. Personally, I like to keep it simple and just use all-purpose flour.

But it is true that different types of flour will yield different results. I’ll touch on some of the most commonly used (and asked about) types of flour for pizza dough.

Whichever you choose, it’s important to bear in mind that it’s really impossible for me to tell you exactly how much flour to use. Baking with yeast is not an exact science; it’s more intuitive. You need to look at your dough and touch it and respond to what it looks and feels like it needs.

On a really humid day, you may need less flour. On a dry day, you may need more. If you live at a high elevation, that can impact it too.

So in other words, you have to use your own judgment, not rely solely on the range that’s given in the recipe card.


Bread flour is sometimes recommended for pizza dough because it’s higher in protein and gluten, so it can provide more of an elastic, stretchy texture. For reference, all-purpose flour usually has around an 8 to 11 percent protein content, while bread flour is around 12 to 14 percent.

I know bakers who will only use bread flour for pizza crust, but honestly, I don’t feel like it’s necessary for most people. If you are a real connoisseur, then by all means. But most of us mere mortals have to think about things like storage space and being able to use something up before it expires, so all-purpose flour is often the most reasonable option. And it is truly not that much different than bread flour.


I often sub a little of the white flour out for whole wheat flour when I make this pizza dough recipe. I like the nutty flavor of whole-grain pizza dough, and it’s also healthier.

But in my experience, it doesn’t work well if you use all whole wheat. There needs to be some regular flour in the mix, to provide that chewy, elastic quality that we look for in pizza crust.

I’ve found that a blend of 2 parts all-purpose to 1 part whole wheat gives a result that’s just slightly crunchier, but not noticeably “whole grainy.” Like slightly healthier, but with a barely perceptible difference in flavor.

While a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio would give more of a pronounced whole-grain flavor and feel.

Feel free to experiment, but again, bear in mind that the total amount you’ll need to use can definitely be impacted by using different types of flour.


My experience with gluten-free pizza dough is honestly extremely limited, so I am far from an expert on this topic.

However, I can tell you that there are some really great gluten-free flour blends that claim to work just as well as all-purpose flour. You’ll want to look for one that subs 1:1 for regular flour.


Olive oil is added to this pizza dough recipe for 3 reasons:

  1. For flavor
  2. To provide a more tender, fine grained texture, and
  3. For moisture.

Again, it’s possible to leave it out. Your crust will still be edible. I just prefer to add a small amount for these reasons.

If you don’t have olive oil you can substitute with any other kind of oil that has a flavor you like and that is liquid at room temperature.


Salt is obviously added for seasoning and to provide flavor. And salt is also magical in that it carries and enhances other flavors as well, so your yeast will taste yeastier and your flour will taste wheat-ier and your olive oil will taste olive-ier.

I use kosher salt for almost all my baking, because there are no additives so the flavor is pure, and also because it’s a very inexpensive product to buy.

If you’d prefer to use another type of salt, just google “kosher salt to [your preferred type of salt] conversion” to find out how much more or less of it you should use for this recipe.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (4)


Pizza dough is one of the easiest things you can make with yeast, so if you’re new to bread making, this is a really great place to start.


We begin with water. See above for more details, but again, the water should be warm but not hot.

Stir a little sugar into the warm water, allowing it to dissolve.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (5)

Now sprinkle on the yeast. It will immediately begin to dissolve, and after about 5 minutes, it should start to look foamy.

If it doesn’t bubble or foam up, it’s probably dead. Double-check the expiration date on the package and try again, making sure the water is not too hot.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (6)

When you see that foam forming, and you know your yeast is alive and well, you can go ahead and start working in the flour.

The total amount of flour you will need can vary based on a lot of factors, so this step will need to be a bit intuitive. I give a rough estimate in the recipe card below, but you may need slightly more or less when you make it. Pay attention to what the dough looks and feels like, and use as much or as little flour as you need based on that.

Start by stirring in 2 cups of flour. When it’s all incorporated, you should have a very loose, wet mixture. Add the olive oil and salt, and then continue stirring in more flour, a little at a time, until the dough becomes firmer and less sticky.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (7)

You’ll know you’ve added enough flour when the dough gathers itself into a ball and pulls cleanly away from the sides of the bowl, like this:

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (8)


Now it’s time to knead the dough. Kneading the dough helps to develop the glutens and give that beautiful chewiness we are looking for. You can do this step by hand or with a mixer, using a dough hook attachment.

Once again, the amount of time you should knead can vary. It usually takes around 10 minutes of kneading (give or take) to get the proper result, but the easiest way to know if your dough has been kneaded enough is by giving it the windowpane test.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (9)

Pinch off a little piece of dough and using your fingertips, stretch it gently from the center outward. You should be able to pull it tissue-thin without it tearing. It should be so thin you can see light passing through it, just like a windowpane.

If your dough doesn’t pass this test, keep kneading until it does!

Then, remove the dough from the bowl, mist the bowl lightly with non-stick spray, add the dough back in, and cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (10)


Now it’s time to let it rise. Just place the bowl in a warm place and allow the dough to grow to double its original size. Again, there’s no set answer as to how long this will take. That can vary based on a lot of different factors, so you just have to keep your eye on it.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (11)

Once it’s big and puffy, smoosh it down and divide it into portions.

Congratulations, you just made pizza dough!


Now you can either start making pizzas right away or stash the dough balls for later.

If you’re not going to bake them right away, place each portion in a lightly oiled container, allowing plenty of extra room (they will grow a bit, even if kept cold).

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (12)

Place the containers in the fridge or freezer (more info on this below). When you’re ready to use them, just allow them to come back to room temperature first.


That all depends on how you shape them! Do you like your pizza thin and crispy, thicker and chewy, or really thick and doughy, like a Sicilian or Detroit-style pizza?

I have found that when I stretch the dough really thin, I can get three 10-inch diameter pizzas or four 8-inch diameter pizzas from one batch of this dough. Or you could divide it in half and get 2 really huge thin and crispy pizzas, or the same number of slightly thicker, chewier ones.

It’s entirely up to you! But I can tell you that for my family of 4 (three boys, one mama) one batch feeds us all with a few nice leftovers for lunch the next day.


This dough is quite forgiving, so you can shape it however works best for you.

My preferred method is to flatten it with my hands, then allow it to sort of drape over my knuckles, turning it around and around, and allowing gravity to stretch it downward.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (13)

I wish I was one of those talented pizza-makers who can toss dough into the air and spin it until it’s thin as can be! But since I don’t have that ability, I’ll often resort to the rolling pin to get it as thin and round as I possibly can.

But don’t stress about the shape! It’s fine if it’s not a perfect circle. Oblong-shaped pizzas taste just as good.

I’ve also baked my pizza on a sheet pan, into a big rectangle shape. (If you use a baker’s half sheet pan, you will get roughly 2 thin-crust pizzas per batch of dough.)

Pro-tip: If your pizza dough is fighting you and wants to shrink/bounce back out of shape, allow it to rest (covered) for 10 to 20 minutes at room temperature before trying again.


Here at my house, we like to use a pizza stone. (I’ve also heard really great things about baking steels; they work the same way.) They basically just heat up really hot and really evenly, which is what you want.

So I shape the pizzas, lay them on a pizza peel that’s been heavily dusted with cornmeal or semolina (to prevent sticking), then add the toppings and slide them onto the hot stone.

You don’t need a stone or steel to make homemade pizza. It can totally be done in a pizza pan or even just on a cookie sheet. You can even do it on the grill! It will work no matter how you decide to cook it.

But I would advise you to bake your pizza at the highest possible temperature. My oven only goes up to 500 degrees F, but a real pizza oven (like the brick oven kind) can go upwards of 900 degrees F. The hotter the oven, the faster your pizza will cook and the more blistery and brown it will get.

In my oven, at 500 degrees F and on a pizza stone, my 10-inch thin-crust pizzas are brown and crispy on the bottom after around 10 to 15 minutes, just as a guideline.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (14)


Absolutely! Feel free to work fresh or roasted garlic, dried herbs, parmesan or pecorino cheese, chopped olives, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, or anything else you can think of into this dough. Make it your own!


There are basically 3 main reasons why bread dough fails to rise:

  • The yeast was expired.
  • Your water was too hot and it killed the yeast.
  • The dough wasn’t kept warm enough for the yeast to grow and thrive.

If your yeast doesn’t foam up in the sweetened water after 10 minutes, then it’s probably dead and you should start over.

If it bubbles up initially but then the dough fails to rise, try moving it to a warmer spot, like near a heat vent or next to the fridge, or on a sunny windowsill.


You can keep balls of dough in the fridge (in lightly oiled containers, covered) for up to 48 hours, and they will keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. After that, the yeast will start to die off.

Thaw frozen pizza dough in the fridge or at room temp. Once they are no longer cold, they can be punched down, shaped, topped, and baked.


Yes! You can double, triple, or even quadruple this recipe! Just make sure you have a bowl big enough to handle the volume.

The recipe can also be halved if you want to make a smaller amount.

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (15)


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Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (16)

5 stars (8 ratings)

Pizza Dough Recipe

Servings: 18 slices (approx. three 10-inch, thin crust pizzas)

Prep Time: 20 minutes mins

Cook Time: 0 minutes mins

Resting Time:: 1 hour hr

Total Time: 1 hour hr 20 minutes mins

Easy pizza dough recipe, for the best ever homemade pizza! Make a big batch to keep in your fridge or freezer. Just 6 simple ingredients!

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  • Place the warm water and sugar in a large mixing bowl and stir together to combine.

  • Sprinkle the yeast on top and allow it to dissolve.

  • When the mixture looks foamy (after approx. 5 to 10 minutes), stir in 2 cups of the flour until incorporated.

  • Stir in the olive oil and salt.

  • While continuing to mix, add in more flour until the dough gathers itself into a ball and pulls away from the sides of the bowl cleanly. (You may need slightly more or less flour; use your judgement.)

  • Knead the dough until it passes the windowpane test* (approx. 10 minutes).

  • Lightly mist the bowl with non-stick spray, place the dough back in, and cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp towel.

  • Place the bowl of dough in a warm place and allow it to rise until doubled in bulk (approx. 45 to 90 minutes).

  • When the dough has grown to twice its original size, punch it down, knead it a few times, and divide it into portions.

  • Shape the dough, add toppings, and bake it at the highest possible temperature until brown and crisp on the bottom, OR place it in lightly oiled containers (covered) and chill in the fridge or freezer until ready to use.**


*Pinch off a little piece of dough and using your fingertips, stretch it gently from the center outward. You should be able to pull it tissue-thin without it tearing. It should be so thin you can see the light passing through, just like a windowpane.

**Raw pizza dough can be kept in the fridge for up to 48 hours, or in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. Allow the dough to come back up to room temperature before using.

Serving: 1slice (if you cut each pizza into 6 slices), Calories: 98kcal, Carbohydrates: 19g, Protein: 3g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 99mg, Potassium: 30mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 1g, Calcium: 4mg, Iron: 1mg

Cuisine: American, Italian

Course: Main Course, Snack

Tried this recipe?Mention @bakingamoment on Instagram or tag #bakingamoment.

Allergen Free Appetizers and Snacks Birthday Easy to Make Fall/Winter Father's Day Fun for Kids Halloween Holiday Savory Seasonal Simply Perfect Spring/Summer Superbowl Yeast Breads

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Leave a Reply

  1. Cary March 3, 2024 @ 1:40 pm Reply

    This is an incredible thin crust recipe! Have made multiple times. By far the best I have tried. Thanks, Cary

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} March 4, 2024 @ 3:00 pm Reply

      My pleasure Cary! Thank you for the 5-star review!

  2. Dev September 1, 2023 @ 8:59 pm Reply

    This was delicious! Nice and somewhat chewy, instead of fluffy, which is hard to come by with homemade pizzas. Would be nice to include the temp to cook the pizza in the recipe 😉
    Thanks for a delicious crust recipe!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 6, 2023 @ 11:07 am Reply

      Hey Dev! So happy you like it! I typically just bake it at the highest temperature possible. On my oven, that’s 500 degrees F but every oven is different! And sometimes I use the outdoor gas grill which can get up around 800 I believe. Really gets that flavorful char on there!

  3. 4 point inspection August 8, 2023 @ 4:40 am Reply

    Last night, inspired by this post, I held an impromptu pizza night with my kids. We tried your dough recipe and were blown away! Not only was it easy to follow, but the results were the best homemade pizzas we’ve ever had – crispy on the outside and so delightfully chewy inside. Memories were made, thanks to you!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} August 8, 2023 @ 4:13 pm Reply

      Oh that’s wonderful! You’ve made my whole day. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Kris January 20, 2023 @ 3:02 pm Reply

    Question! I love margharita pizzas. How do I work with the tomatoes to NOT get all watery and make the pizza soggy?

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} January 21, 2023 @ 2:10 pm Reply

      I’d suggest crushing the tomatoes with clean hands and then draining away some of the excess liquid. Good luck I hope this is helpful!

Easy Pizza Dough Recipe: Can be made ahead & chilled/frozen! -Baking a Moment (2024)


Can you make pizza dough ahead of time and freeze it? ›

You can freeze any kind of pizza dough in any quantity — just let it fully rise before you freeze it and then divide it into pieces portioned for single pizzas. The dough can be frozen for up to three months and just needs to be thawed in the fridge overnight before you use it!

Can you make pizza dough ahead and refrigerate? ›

This pizza dough is very easy to put together, and it's enough for four 10-inch-diameter pizzas. To make it even easier to roll out, prepare it ahead, and refrigerate it overnight. Refrigerated dough will keep several days. It may also be successfully frozen and thawed.

Can pizza dough be made in advance? ›

There's something wonderfully easy about making pizza at home, especially when all you have to do is roll out some pizza dough, throw some toppings on, and bake it in the oven for 10 minutes. I find that making big batches of pizza dough ahead of time and keeping it in the freezer really makes the process extra easy.

Can unbaked pizza dough be frozen? ›

Pizza dough can be frozen in any quantity, whether it's a full-size pizza or smaller single pizzas. You can store the dough in the freezer for 3-4 months and just thaw overnight before using it. Important: The dough needs to be done with the rising/fermentation process or at the point when the dough is ready to use.

Is it better to freeze or refrigerate pizza dough? ›

While fresh pizza dough is easiest to work with and superior in quality, freezing it can be an advantage if you're in a pinch or have too much dough. You'll just need to store it properly, thaw it without cooking it prematurely, and give it time to proof.

Does freezing pizza dough affect the quality? ›

While pizza dough is a better candidate for freezing than most yeast doughs, over time in the freezer some of the yeast will die — generally from ice damage, or simply from stress.

Should refrigerated pizza dough be brought to room temperature? ›

Before you begin stretching, warm up your cold dough for at least 30 minutes at room temperature. Gluten, the protein that makes pizza dough chewy, is tighter in cold conditions like the fridge, which is why cold pizza dough will stretch out and snap back just like a rubber band.

Can you prepare pizza dough the night before? ›

Flour, salt, olive oil, yeast, and water. Make the dough at least 24 hours in advance and will it keep in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 days. We make this at least once a week! It is our go-to weeknight pizza!

Can uncooked pizza dough be refrigerated? ›

Generally, fresh pizza dough will last about 3-5 days in the fridge. If you are concerned that yours has gone bad, pay attention to its scent and texture. If there is a sour smell to your dough, there is a chance that it has over-fermented and is no longer usable.

How long should pizza dough sit out after being refrigerated? ›

When you're going to use the refrigerated dough, take it out of the fridge at least 1 hour before you're planning to bake pizza, to let it come to room temperature. You can now use it just like any room temperature fermented pizza dough. Take the dough out from the fridge at least 1 hour prior to making the pizza.

How long should pizza dough sit before making? ›

Pizza Dough Rising Window: Based on Ambient Temperature
Ambient TemperatureRising time in room tempRising time in the fridge
75-80°F/24-27°C1-1.5 hours12-18 hours
65-70°F/18-21°C1.5-2 hours18-24 hours
60-65°F/16-18°C2-3 hours24-36 hours
40-42°F/4-6°C18-24 hours48-72 hours
2 more rows
Jan 21, 2024

What happens if you put too much yeast in pizza dough? ›

Too little yeast and your dough won't rise enough, and the pizza base will taste bland. Use too much yeast and your dough may over-ferment. Tell-tale signs are your dough expanding too much or tasting and smelling a bit sour, with an almost alcoholic aftertaste (the yeast produces alcohol as it ferments).

How do I make pizza dough and freeze it? ›

The Freezing Process
  1. Shaping your dough into individual balls. This step is crucial because it will ensure your dough balls freeze and thaw properly.
  2. Wrap each dough ball in plastic wrap. This helps protect the dough from freezer burn. ...
  3. Finally, store the bag in the freezer.
Mar 10, 2024

How do you store unbaked pizza dough? ›

It can also be stored in an airtight container with a tight lid or a plastic bag that is sealed tightly. Leaving the dough exposed to air in the fridge will cause it to dry out sooner and it won't last as long as it should. I like to rub a little olive oil on the surface of the dough ball before I wrap it up.

What is the best way to freeze homemade pizza dough? ›

The Freezing Process
  1. Shaping your dough into individual balls. This step is crucial because it will ensure your dough balls freeze and thaw properly.
  2. Wrap each dough ball in plastic wrap. This helps protect the dough from freezer burn. ...
  3. Finally, store the bag in the freezer.
Mar 10, 2024

Is it better to freeze pizza cooked or uncooked? ›

If you're baking pizza to be eaten at a later date, there's no need to fully cook it before freezing. Instead, try part-baking the crust so it holds its shape, then cooking the pizza fresh when you take it out of the freezer.

How long does frozen pizza dough take to thaw? ›

Instead, frozen pizza dough needs to be taken out from frozen and then defrosted in the refrigerator for ten to twelve hours. If you don't have that much time, setting the dough out on a counter and allowing it to defrost at room temperature for two hours should also be plenty of time.


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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.